For months, the electorate said that they didn’t want to see another Biden vs. Trump re-match. Well, they got their wish after old Man Biden was forced out of the race by his “friends” in his own party. No longer are we stuck with the dilemma of choosing between two old white men to be the president – one mentally incompetent, the other a man who can’t keep his mouth shut when he needs to.

Even those of us who are Trump “fans” know that Orange Man Bad is his own worse enemy. If he loses the election, he has only himself to blame.

I don’t want to hear about the stolen election anymore. Yes, I know it was “stolen.” Move on, Trump. I don’t want to hear about crowd sizes at rallies either. I don’t care.

On the other side of things, I’m sick of Kamala’s constantly lying about what her policies are. She’s ben lying over and over again for weeks in order to win the election. She WANTS open borders and gun control and to stack the Supreme Court with Democrats – no matter what she’s said recently about those things.

From scorn to spotlight.

So here we are stuck with “slept-her-way to the top” Kamala Harris – a laughing stock VP who was previously battered by EVERYONE for being an idiot (even by the Dems) and for not doing much of anything in office while VP.

That is, until she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee – and then the official candidate. Now she’s just GREAT even though she hasn’t been able string together a coherent statement much better than Joe has the past few years. Nevertheless, she’s currently the savior of the Democratic party and the very best candidate they have ever ever had – you’ll hear that over and over again at next week’s coronation of Harris at the Democratic National Convention.

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On the other side of the aisle, we have a former president whose inarticulate speeches and gaffes make him a prime target for the Democrats who want to demonize him.

Why does Trump think we need to know his opinion on every little insignificant thing happening on the planet? We don’t. He needs to stick with a coherent and consistent “Save America” message that can appeal to undecided voters. But that won’t happen. Because as they say…Trump will be Trump. And that results in free TV ads for the Democrats – and op-eds and articles written about how horrible Orange Man Bad is.

Final round: the ultimate conundrum.

So, which candidate is better? A socialist presidential candidate who has done nothing in office as VP and has been a consistent laughing stock – or one who can’t stop saying stupid things? It’s a bit like choosing between being pecked to death by ducks or nibbled to death by fish.

But in the end, I choose to vote for the possibility of having a “great” America not one that will be “reimagined” by Kamala and the anti-American Obama administration for four more years. Policy matters. Vote accordingly.