Continuing the grand tradition of political escapism and the “hidin’ in the basement” election strategy that Joe Biden mastered, Vice President Kamala Harris looks like she’s planning to glide just as effortlessly into the White House and the presidency – but in record time.

Kamala was handed a dream presidential nomination and campaign. Not only did she become the presumed Democratic presidential nominee without doing anything to deserve it, she also didn’t have get a single vote from the electorate to get the position.

And now Kamala only has to worry about a very short campaign that’s measured in months. It’s nothing like the year+ spotlight that any other candidates have to deal with. That means that she won’t be vetted properly at all. And with a compliant leftist media to help her out, she won’t be getting any tough questions between now and election day. It’ll just be rallies and soft landings on late night talk shows and with the rest of her “friends.”

Kamala staying away from the heat.

This is why Trump wants to debate her on Fox News. And it’s why Kamala won’t do it. She doesn’t want to have to discuss her radical opinions or answer to anything that she’s done in her past. Although she hasn’t done much of anything at all – and that’s the point.

With the Democrats reveling in Kamala’s limited timeframe, she’ll be able master the art of avoidance and gaslighting, using a TikTok-fueled campaign of deceit to try to launch herself into the Oval Office. And with early voting and absentee balloting making the election just around the corner, it’ll be even easier. The low information voters won’t know how dangerous her and her running mate, Tim Walz are going to be to their lives.

As the election season heats up, Kamala’s strategy appears to be a simple one: vanish as long as possible. Keep a low profile. Don’t go out in public too much off-script so that nothing too stupid is said. And she needs to make it appear that she has a massive grassroots following. In order to do that, she’ll have to get other folks to draw a crowd – like appearing with an Obama or having a rap concert.

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Disappearing Kamala hasn’t done an interview since June and has hardly spoken to the press according to Newsweek and other outlets who are paying attention. But that’s how the campaign likes it.

Tough hard-hitting interviews? Who needs that? Fair debates? Who needs that?

Remember the days when candidates actually answered tough questions? Well, Kamala is bringing those days to a swift end. Instead of facing hard questions from media, if she shows up on their networks at all, they’ll be asking her what her favorite ice cream flavor is – or what it’s like to possibly be the first Black and Indian female president.

The Houdini of hard questions.

Who needs vetting when you can just dodge? Reporters eager to get a real answer (that’s pretty much just Fox News) will be left with more empty notepads than answers.

Political peekaboo: will it pay off?”

The big question remains: will this strategy work? Can a candidate who avoids the spotlight actually shine on Election Day? The answer is yes. Biden did it.

Kamala seems to be betting on the old adage that less is more – less exposure, fewer gaffes, and fewer opportunities for scrutiny. But as voters become more aware of her game, it’s a high-risk gamble if she can win the top spot like Biden did – by hiding behind the starting line.