The Biden folks have proudly boasted about themselves being a “Biden-Harris Administration” operation from day one, but with recent revelations, we’re left scratching our heads. Kamala is trying to distance herself from all of the Biden failures and screw- ups yet at the same time still take credit for anything that may look remotely like an accomplishment.

Is Kamala Harris really the “integral architect” of this administration’s agenda, as Susan Rice claimed on MSNBC recently, or has she just been cackling in the co-pilot seat while Biden steered the ship into an iceberg?

Co-Pilot of the blunders or just along for the ride?

The latest attempt of Susan Rice (who is one of the REAL people running the show since Biden’s victory, along with Obama) to polish Harris’s resume paints her as a key player in everything from the economic agenda to social reforms.

So, let’s get this straight – if Kamala was an “integral architect,” then she’s also responsible for the smorgasbord of crises that have been served up over the last few years, right? We’re talking about record inflation, historic gas prices, a border that’s more open than a 24/7 diner, and let’s not forget that little fiasco in Afghanistan.

Kamala’s legacy – silent partner or loud laugher?

But hold on a minute. If Harris was so instrumental, why hasn’t she been front and center for the last few years, owning these so-called achievements? Instead, we’ve mostly seen her laughing off serious questions and avoiding the spotlight like a cat avoids water.

So, which is it? Was she the silent partner, nodding along while Biden made the calls, or was she really pulling the strings behind the scenes?

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As we gear up for another election cycle, voters might want to think twice about who’s really responsible for the state of the nation. If Harris wants to distance herself from Biden’s blunders, she’s got some serious explaining to do.

After all, you can’t have it both ways – either she’s the co-pilot who helped steer this ship into a storm, or she’s been just another passenger, watching it all unfold with a grin.