The Biden-Harris administration and the Democrats have been boasting about their job creation miracles for a while now, pretending that the economy is just dandy. In order to substantiate their illusion, they’ve been rolling out the red carpet for their supposedly stellar employment numbers, patting themselves on the back so hard, they nearly dislocated their shoulders.

But guess what? It turns out those numbers have been about as real as a three-dollar bill – pretty much like everything else the Democrats give us. Yes, it’s all been a fraud.

The Biden-Harris administration promised jobs, and they delivered. But they didn’t deliver reality. They delivered numbers that aren’t real. They over-estimated job growth in the country by a whopping 818,000 jobs in the 12-month time period ending in March. That amounted to a downward revision of about 28%!

Let’s face it: there isn’t a “workforce” to fill up our businesses. Not that we haven’t noticed that as we drive by one “help wanted” sign after another. In reality, employment is as empty as a politician’s promise during election season.

In the age of AI, who needs real jobs?

There are many reasons why nobody is working…First of all, there is artificial intelligence (which, by the way, is what Democrats have but I digress…) AI is doing more than just flipping burgers and answering phones – it’s coding, solving problems, and doing it all for the cost of a cup of coffee. Why pay for a “real” worker who needs real money and real health insurance when you can use AI and robots instead?

While AI is busy taking on everything from customer service to tech roles, the administration is busy taking credit for jobs that, quite frankly, don’t exist.

Illegal aliens, inflation and business woes.

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In addition to AI stealing jobs, there are also illegal aliens stealing jobs. The illegal aliens are the ones who have pretty much accounted for any of the jobs that are being filled in the first place. There are even some places that are INVITING the illegal aliens to fill jobs like in Kansas City.

Americans are losing jobs rapidly as businesses struggle to survive under the Biden-Harris administration’s inflationary pressures and restrictive mandates, which are crippling the economy.

Michigan’s economic graveyard.

Rite Aids have closed all over Michigan and everyday we hear about a new franchise or a small mom- and-pop business closing up for good. Restaurants are dying everywhere due to the rising costs of labor and supplies. The economy under Democratic tyrannical rule sucks – and so does employment no matter what fairy tales the Democrats try to tell us.

More and more people are also shopping online – especially when their local businesses fail to have their items in stock from the lingering Covid-era supply line problems. It’s still hard to find car parts up in the lower Northern Michigan area.

The REAL jobs report: you’re on your own.

Another reason for businesses not filling jobs is the aging population. Folks are retiring and the young’uns behind them don’t want to work as plumbers or contractors or anything really that requires heavy lifting. The newer generations want to work from home, have a zillion paid leave days and not do anything too stressful.

There’s also the gigantic hourly wages that are being paid – either by mandate or just to find a warm body. Instead of hiring two people to fill a job, a business only has the money to hire one.

Reality check: the unemployment line Is longer than the fairy tale.

So, as we watch the job market shrink faster than a wool sweater in hot water, it’s clear that the rosy employment picture painted by the Biden-Harris administration is more fiction than fact. They can keep spinning their tales, but the reality for everyday Americans is far less glamorous.

Jobs are disappearing, businesses are closing, and the “miracle” of job creation is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The only thing growing under this administration? The distance between their promises and our reality. Time to wake up and smell the unemployment line. And it’s time to get Trump back in office before Amazon is the only business left.