Ah, election season – the time when politicians kiss babies, promise the moon, and, oh yes, warn us about the next world-ending virus. The latest scare tactic? According to the Daily Mail, the Canadian government is sounding the alarm and warning folks to brace themselves for a virus far worse than Covid.

Because the threat of global warming, economic collapse, and the occasional UFO sighting don’t appear enough to keep us all in line, surely the fear of a “hypothetical” super-virus will do the trick. No, the Canadians are not talking about a “real” virus – they’re just saying that the big one might be on the way.

The new handbook for businesses in Canada reads like a dystopian novel, with chapters on how to survive when the world grinds to a halt because of a virus that might– or might not – exist. They’re not even sure how bad it will be or how fast it will spread, but hey, better safe than sorry, right? Especially with elections and visions of tyrannical rule just around the corner.

And because our governments did such a GREAT job with Covid, we should all believe everything that they say and comply with all of their draconian rules should they emerge again sometime soon! (insert sarcasm here)

Mpox, Monkeypox, and other poxes: The left’s viral playlist.

Meanwhile, over in Africa, the WHO has declared yet another health emergency – this time about the spread of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox – but the name had to change because it was offensive to the monkeys).

This isn’t just a recycled African pandemic though; it’s got a new strain, new symptoms, and of course, new reasons to panic. They’re already calling for vaccines and international aid. Yes, money, money, money.

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It’s almost like the leftists are competing to see who can scare us the most. Maybe it’s time to start a betting pool: What will the next big virus be? And how many times will Fauci tell us to mask up before he remembers that no one’s really listening anymore?

Speaking of Fauci, the dude’s been vaccinated like a dozen times and just recently got Covid again for the third time! He’s the poster child for government incompetence and investing taxpayer dollars in a vaccine that doesn’t vaccinate anyone against anything.

Fear sells and leftists know it.

Let’s be honest: Nothing rallies the base like a good old-fashioned crisis. Whether it’s a “hypothetical” virus that could wipe us out, or a rebranded pox from the last century, the left seems determined to keep us all living in fear. After all, a scared populace is a compliant populace, and there’s nothing like a little viral hysteria to keep everyone in line.

So, as we head into election season, buckle up. The real virus isn’t in the air – it’s in the headlines and coming straight out of the leftist playbook.