In a world where political drama rivals Hollywood scripts, Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is the latest star. A video from February 2024, unearthed by our friends at Breitbart, shows Raskin entertaining the notion that Congress might have to play referee and disqualify former President Donald Trump from the Oval Office should he win the election in November. Yes, you read that right – he’s suggesting Congress might need to pull out the big guns if Trump wins. Civil war, anyone?

Stopping Orange Man Bad no matter what.

Raskin’s plan goes inline with all of the other stuff that the Democrats have pulled since the Donster announced his run for the presidency back in 2015. The left went after him before he was president, while he was president and afterwards with all of their impeachments, court cases, subversion, treasonous behavior and lies. This new recommendation by Raskin is not at all surprising.

Raskin, who led the charge against Trump in the House’s second impeachment trial and served on the January 6th Committee, is no stranger to controversy. In a video filmed at Washington, D.C.’s Politics and Prose bookstore, Raskin predicted at the time that the Supreme Court would most likely dash Democrats’ hopes of using Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to keep Trump off the ballot and instead punt the decision to Congress. For those keeping score, Section 3 was originally crafted to bar ex-Confederates from holding office, but the Dems have tried to use it to label Trump an “insurrectionist.”

Supreme Court smackdown: the unanimous ruling.

Democratic states tried to boot Trump from primary ballots, but the Supreme Court was having none of it. In a rare show of unity, the justices unanimously ruled in March that Congress – not individual states – has the authority to enforce Section 3.

Ouch. Raskin, clearly displeased, argued in the video that this leaves Congress with the daunting task of telling Trump’s supporters that their chosen candidate is disqualified. He paints a hypothetical grim picture of what the Democrats are willing to do, insisting that Congress must step up on January 6th, 2025, declaring Trump disqualified and invalidate his victory.

Raskin says, “…so it’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified. And then we need bodyguards for everybody, and civil war conditions…”

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The Democrats’ master plan to “save” democracy: disqualify the guy who got the most electoral votes. If you can’t win fair and square, why not just rewrite the rules? That’s a classic Democrat playbook move.