It’s all about the lies from Joe Biden’s inner circle.

There just isn’t any doubt that these people knew what was going on with the President’s rapidly declining health, and that is something that I suggest is criminal.

Barack Obama, Jake Sullivan, John Kirby, Antony Blinken, and others all knew, and instead of doing what was right to protect America, they lied to protect their jobs and protect their power.

I truly hope that when the Republicans are back in power, they will rip back the curtain and expose these people for what they are: power-hungry monsters who will do anything to keep themselves in control.

It appears the nation didn’t matter one bit to them if they could prop up Joe Biden, pretend he was all right, and maintain their power and control.

It’s so bad now that people who play make-believe for a living can’t even pretend Biden is ok anymore—the latest to call for him to leave the race is George Clooney, who just three weeks ago held a fundraiser for Joe. Didn’t he know there were issues then?

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That makes me angry, but there is one group that stands out to me more than the others for failing the American people by failing to do their job, and that is the men and women of America’s corporate media.

What did the media know about Joe Biden, and when did they learn about it? I think it goes back to before the 2020 election—but they hated Donald Trump more than they loved their country and more than they could handle to muster the integrity to tell the truth.
They failed America!

When did the media decide they could no longer cover Joe Biden without participating in an ongoing coverup? 
When will the media stop lying to us? How many more debates must we watch, and how many more denials must we read before the media abandons Joe Biden in full? 

How long must we wait for the media to report the news instead of distorting it or trying to rationalize what they have done by insulating Joe Biden from any real scrutiny?

The questions are answered by the media because they do not ask substantive questions about Biden.

The media are what they hate. The media deplore us, the alleged deplorables. And because the media deplore anything that contradicts their narrative, because the media hate anyone who disproves their narrative, we suffer because we threaten their strange agenda for this country.

We suffer the indignity of fake news. 

America is almost fully awake now after the debate, during which President Biden was completely helpless to hold a coherent conversation with President Trump.

Joe Biden became a political roadkill that night, and he still is.
But that disaster has ushered in an urgency for change.

We refuse to suffer another four years of Joe Biden because “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore!”
The words belong to Howard Beale, the tragi-comic character in the 1976 film “Network.” 
Forty-eight years later, the film is more fact than fiction.

The film seems like a documentary, with Beale as the self-described “Mad Prophet of the Airwaves.”

We get nothing but stories: bogus stories, cover stories, worthless stories.

We get almost nothing that is real.

We get nothing of value, period. We get hand-fed narratives pre-approved by the overlords in the corner offices—offices in Rockefeller Center and the DNC, among others.

We never get legitimate news stories—we are fed garbage about celebrities. The media covered things like the life and death of Michael Jackson more than the failures of the leader of the Free World.

We get lies about the truth, like the media’s treatment of Hunter Biden’s laptop that they rip as misinformation when what they were churning out was completely false.

Yes, the media lied to us, and they knew they were doing it. The 51 intelligence experts lied, and they knew they were doing it.

But it is the media for which I hold the greatest contempt. They had one job: to find the facts and tell the truth.

And now, after pretending not to see the obvious, the media have the gall to state that Hunter Biden is a criminal, Joe Biden is a con artist in rapid decline, Doctor Jill Biden is a quack, and the Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise.
After attacking us, impugning our patriotism, and questioning our loyalty, our intelligence, our integrity, and our honesty, the media owe us an apology—maybe several.

It’s too late for that. I will never trust them again. How many times do they get to deliver full-throated lies before being ignored forever, like the boy who cried wolf?

We’re mad as hell because we hate being lied to.

We hate lies about “mostly peaceful protests.”

We hate lies about “some very fine people on both sides,” especially when we know President Trump never said any such thing.

We hate lies about something as clear and immutable as gender because we know what all parents know: that there are only two genders.

We hate lies by Fauci.

We hate lies by The Squad.

We hate lies by Joe Biden.

This begs the question: How long did the media think they could avoid asking Biden if he had the conviction to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States?
How long did the media think they could suppress evidence about Biden’s infirmities?

But for last month’s debate, when would the media have stopped insulting our intelligence by asserting that Biden is a man of wisdom and intelligence? They told us he was detail-oriented, probing, engaged, and relentless.
None of that was true.

Why the about-face now when the media had four years to file a report on presidential fitness?

Why are the reports confirming that Joe Biden is unfit and unable to do much of anything when the story is not new?

Perhaps it took one debate to end the debate about Joe Biden.

Perhaps Biden defeated himself—or maybe Donald Trump, the man who coined the term fake news, finally and forever exposed Joe Biden for what he is.

Or perhaps Biden said more about his condition in 90 minutes than the media said about him in more than four years.

Perhaps Biden left the media no choice because his fall from grace was epic and spectacular.

Our lying eyes, after all, saw the same spectacle. 

We should not have had to wait so long to see such a thing! 

Make no mistake; the media will not let this happen again.

We were not supposed to see Biden self-destruct.

We were not supposed to see Democrats panic.

We were not supposed to see any of this.

Sometimes, it takes a tragedy to get to the truth.
Sometimes, it takes a national tragedy—in this case, a tragic performance by a tragic figure, to finally report the truth.

And sometimes, the truth is the first casualty of a war against the American people—that has been my experience in recent years.

This time, despite all the lies told by Joe Biden, despite all the lies told at the behest of those who speak for Joe Biden, the media cannot keep lying about his decline and fall.

Our country must not be a reflection of how Joe Biden feels.

With respect, we are not a nation in terminal decline.

Notwithstanding Joe Biden, decline is a choice.

We decline to follow in Joe Biden’s staggered and meandering footsteps.

We decline to follow the media’s deception.

We choose to follow the facts so we may uncover the truth.

To those reporters who choose to make the facts known, we applaud you.

To those reporters who choose to write the truth, we promise to read you.

We defend the freedom of the press.

Freedom, however, does not entitle the press to mislead, shade, and hide something because they want a specific result.

Morality does not condone know-nothings in the press.
We deserve media that is worthy of our intelligence.

We deserve reporters who are not ashamed to ask hard, direct, and necessary questions because we are in a crisis.
The shame is not asking questions because we have a right to know the truth about the powerful—those claiming to hold the ultimate power and the moral high ground.
We want answers.
We want the truth.
And yes, we can handle the truth.
We want reporters who put the truth first.
We want reporters who give us the whole truth.
We want reporters who give us nothing but the truth.
We deserve the best, so we may save this—the last best hope of all nations on earth!
They can call me anything they want, a far-right extremist conspiracy theorist—and none of that is true.

What they can call me from the left is right! I told you weeks ago that Joe Biden was likely suffering from some form of Parkinson’s disease, and until I learn otherwise, I maintain I got it right.
Unlike the national news outlets, I did the work. I asked the questions, and I reported to you what I found—that is never going to change.

I work for you; maybe they could figure out that is who they are supposed to work for.