- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

It’s Been a Bad Month for Democrats

Democrats have been facing a difficult summer. And by difficult, I mean they’ve been stumbling around like old man Biden. It’s almost as if the universe decided to hand them one L after another just to see how much they could take before someone snaps and starts chugging Prozac like it’s Gatorade.

Supreme Court decision.

First up, the Supreme Court decided that presidents have presidential immunity in criminal cases that involve actions within their core constitutional powers and official acts. This ruling is actually a silver lining for both Barack Obama and Joe Biden concerning all of their dastardly deeds, but it’s not like anyone’s throwing a parade about it. Instead, Democrats are too busy gnashing their teeth to enjoy this tiny slice of good news.

Biden’s debate disaster and bad polling numbers in swing states

Then there was the Biden-Trump debate. Oh boy, talk about a train wreck. Biden didn’t just stumble; he face-planted spectacularly. Biden’s performance was so underwhelming that even his most ardent supporters have thrown him to the curb and called for a new candidate. And this was after Biden’s polling numbers, especially in swing states like Michigan, were already tanking.

The failed assassination attempt on Trump.

And then, as if that weren’t enough drama for one month, there was the weekend assassination attempt on Orange Man Bad (i.e. the biggest threat to democracy on the planet). But in true Trump fashion, the former president not only survived assassination, he emerged more victorious than ever, pumping his fist and yelling “fight!” to his supporters as the Secret Service dragged him off the stage.

The incident has actually made Trump into a sympathetic figure and a warrior at the same time. And with his new lease on life, his campaign might have a whole new more professional trajectory with the former president talking more about uniting the country than how disastrous the Democratic Party and Biden are. The attempt on his life seems to have, as most things do, boosted his popularity.

The Dems never thought they’d be in this position in the middle of July. They planned on taking Trump off the ballot in a few states, or make sure he was in court or in prison – or under house arrest. Barack and Hillary and the folks running the White House are gonna have to look up back-up plan number #4,566 to get out of their mess.

The classified documents debacle.

To top it all off, Trump’s classified documents case was dismissed on Monday due to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s unconstitutional appointment of Jack Smith as an unlawful prosecutor without Senate approval.

This was more icing on the cake for Trump’s path to the Oval Office. Trump’s response to the case being dismissed? A call for unity. On Truth Social, he proclaimed, “Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!”

The beach beckons.

With all these calamities piling up, it’s no wonder the Democrats might be eyeing some Prozac. Or, at the very least, a short vacation to the beach. Maybe Biden will let them visit him in Delaware after he loses the election!