In the tranquil town of Hancock way way up north in the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where the biggest excitement is probably a local fishing derby, it looks like they are not immune from it being open season on Trump and his political supporters.

Picture this: an 80-year-old man, peacefully planting a Trump sign in his yard on a quiet Sunday afternoon, suddenly mowed down by an ATV. It seems the Democrats are now taking their vendetta against Trump and his supporters off of Facebook and X and onto the streets, complete with all- terrain vehicles.

The ATV assassin strikes.

The events unfolded on Sunday, July 21st, when the Hancock Police Department responded to a string of what law enforcement called “politically motivated” crimes including vandalism of vehicles.

The 22-year-old suspect, not content with just vandalizing Trump supporters’ vehicles, decided to add a hit-and-run to his resume. The victims of the crime spree? Trump and law enforcement supporters – including an octogenarian, valiantly trying to showcase his political allegiance with a Trump yard sign. He also is reported to have displayed flags and stickers in support of law enforcement.

But instead of a peaceful afternoon in his yard, the elderly man got a high-speed, tire-tracked message from a Trump-deranged 22-year-old daredevil who didn’t agree that first amendment protections should cover supporters of Orange Man Bad (allegedly of course).

The ATV driver had reportedly pulled the elderly man’s signs out of his yard and when the old man tried to put them back, the driver went back into the yard and (allegedly) tried to run him over. The victim is at UP Health Systems in Portage and is in critical condition with serious injuries including a brain bleed. Law enforcement is unsure if the man will survive his injuries. The man’s name has not been released. Neither has the suspect’s name, who is now deceased.

The ATV’s last ride.

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Yes, the story took another dark twist. The suspect, feeling the heat from the local authorities, decided to take the ultimate escape route. After contacting the police to confess his ATV escapades, he ended his life with a self-inflicted gunshot. Thus, the ATV Assassin’s ride came to an abrupt and tragic end.

Authorities found the man’s four-wheeler, electronic devices, and the suspect’s wardrobe from the crime spree after obtaining a warrant to search his home. They also have him and his ATV on surveillance video.

The case, wrapped in a blend of political fervor and tragic desperation, now leaves an elderly man in critical condition and a community reeling from the madness.

While Hancock deals with the aftermath, the broader implications are chilling. Is this just a lone ATV rider with a vendetta or the sign of more things to come? Unfortunately, this is just one example of many many things that we have already seen in the past concerning the targeting of Trump supporters.

And coming so soon after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, I’m afraid this will not just be a one-off. This behavior actually started in 2020. I remember seeing a website with a long list of attacks against Trump supporters – both physically against their bodies, their yard signs, their rallying and registration tables, vandalism of property, arson and more.

In February of 2020, I wrote a story with the headline “Is Violence Against Republicans and Trump Supporters the New Norm For the Democrat Resistance?” I linked to conservatives at UC Santa Cruz who were targeted at the college and I spoke of a man named Gregory Time who drove his van through a GOP voter registration tent in Florida.

And these were just a few of the incidents that were happening all across the country. There were a lot of these incidents popping up everywhere including a deranged Trump hater in New Hampshire who went after a 15-year-old in 2020.

I faced the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) wrath myself in 2020 when Trump first ran for office. It happened in my small and peaceful northern Michigan town early one morning around 6 a.m. Some crazy woman decided that she didn’t like my Trump bumper sticker and tried to run me off the road on my way to work. Looks like my Trump bumper sticker was enough to make this woman lose her mind (and her driving skills). I guess she thought “Make America Great Again” meant taking me out first.

From frenzy to fury.

TDS is seriously everywhere in different degrees. You might have a somewhat “normal” friend or family member who only has it as a 2 or 3 on a scale of 1-10 – but there are plenty of 4’s and above out there that we have to watch out for. TDS is also why these folks will truly vote for anyone instead of Donald J. Trump – a rock, a potted plant, Biden or even Kamala Harris.

The lying media has whipped these folks into a frenzy for years and years so that they think that Trump is Hitler and will destroy America. This is why some of these people think it’s okay to try to hurt or kill Trump – or us. They think they have justification for what they do – even to be nasty to their own friends and family on social media sites or in communications with us.

So no, I don’t think this is just a lone ATV rider with a vendetta; it’s a microcosm of the past – and the escalating political violence gripping the nation against Trump and his supporters. And the hatred WILL be ramped up between now and November because the media will report to their Democratic friends that everything we say – every criticism we have of Kamala Harris – is not only sexist, but also racist. It’s who they are. It’s what they do. It happened when Obama ran for the presidency and it will happen again.

What’s going on in America now is the decaying of common decency and the thin veneer of civility that’s rapidly eroding – which the leftist media and social media escalates.

It’s also the result of the destruction of justice and repercussions for crimes – with Democratic “no cash bail needed” policies and ridiculous sentencing going on, leaving criminals free to commit crimes over and over again.

What exactly is the deterrent for going after Trump supporters? Not much really. And if you’re in Kamala’s California, you can steal about $1,000 worth of jewelry at the same time as a “thank you” with no questions asked.

It’s incidents like the one in Hancock and the lunatic anti-Trump Democrats that can also explain the noticeable drop in Trump signs nationwide compared to the Republican’s first run at the presidency. Sure, there are still some brave folks flaunting Trump signs and flags, but I’m betting many of them are also packing heat if you catch my drift. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) also likely fuels the popularity of Trump boat parades too – after all, it’s a lot tougher to chase you down on a speedboat.

Wrapping up the madness,

So how did we get here? How did the “Land of the Free” become the land where you might get run over for your bumper sticker or yard sign? Yes, it’s because of the elected Democrats and because of their MAGA lies – but it’s mostly because of the leftist lyin’ media propagandists who are the marketing arm of the Democratic Party, pushing the lies that they spew and targeting MAGA.

Today it’s ATVs in Hancock, tomorrow it could be electric bikes in Jacksonville or drones in Dallas. The methods may vary, but the message remains the same: political discourse in America has become a contact sport for some Democrats. We certainly saw that during the BLM riots where most of the criminals got a pass for their violence and their crimes.

For now, Hancock remains a town marked by tragedy and lunacy, a symbol of the unhinged times we live in. The elderly man’s fate hangs in the balance, much like our collective sanity. So, as we brace for the next act in this political horror show, one thing is clear: open season on Trump and his supporters isn’t just a metaphor – it’s a literal ride through the dangerous twilight zone of American politics. So be alert and stay safe, everyone.