Joe Biden’s knack for picking judicial nominees seems to be less about their qualifications and more about ticking diversity checkboxes – even if it means overlooking glaring issues.

Democrat nominees to the bench give a pass to perpetrators of child sexual abuse.

Take Judge Julia Lipez, for instance. According to PJ Media, Lipez, recently nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, gained notoriety for cutting in half the sentence of Michael Smith, a man convicted of molesting two young girls, ages four and nine.

Her justification? Smith apparently has “a lot of good in him,” according to her courtroom remarks.

Senator Kennedy calls out monster judge.

During a Senate hearing, Senator John Kennedy didn’t hold back on his disgust with Lipez. He pointedly asked her about Smith’s crimes, to which she responded with legal jargon, sidestepping the visceral reality of child molestation. Instead she called what the suspect did “unlawful sexual contact” to which Kennedy responded, “You can pretty it up all you want to, judge.”

Kennedy pressed further, quoting Lipez’s own words back to her, highlighting her disturbingly sympathetic tone towards a perpetrator who Kennedy said caused “extreme damage” to innocent children. Nevertheless, the Democrats will most likely pass her through the process.

Biden and the Democrats are disgusting.

But the bad nominations don’t stop there. Biden’s Supreme Court pick, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, faced her own scrutiny for lenient sentences in child abuse cases. Jackson’s track record of light penalties for child porn possession and distribution raised eyebrows – especially since Biden’s White House conveniently withheld controversial details from Republican senators. She even gave a bare minimum sentence to a monster who sexually tortured babies.

Joe Biden has his own issues with children.

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Why does the White House appear to give a pass to judges who give a pass to child molesters? Well, maybe we should take into consideration Joe Biden’s constant sniffing of children – and his daughter talking about showering with daddy Joe in her diary. So the safety of children around perverts is obviously not a priority for old man Biden – not even in his own home.

Instead, Biden’s nominees seem unusually forgiving towards those convicted of unspeakable crimes against kids. Whether it’s Lipez finding “good” in a child predator or Jackson doling out light sentences to abusers, Biden’s judicial picks raise serious questions about his administration’s priorities – which obviously have nothing to do with keeping kids safe.

And let’s not forget the Senate Democrats who rubber-stamp these nominations. Their lack of scrutiny suggests they’re more concerned with diversity quotas than protecting victims of heinous crimes.
So, why does Joe Biden keep nominating judges like this? Maybe it’s because his party lets him.