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Fake Republicans Are Pimping for Socialist Kamala Harris in Swing States

Never Trumpers. You gotta love ‘em. Or not. Some of them even call themselves Republicans. They are not. The latest laughable group of “Republicans” who are pushing ANY candidate who materializes to go up against Trump is a group called “Republican Voters Against Trump” (RVAT). At least they are honest about the second part of their name.

In their latest press release [1], they have announced that they have launched a $500K campaign to support Kamala Harris, the poster child for socialism.

Betrayal of their own party they claim to be in: Republicans pimping for Kamala.

Yes, you read that right. The very people who claim to champion conservative and/or “Republican” values are openly promoting a candidate who stands for everything they claim to oppose.

Advertising agony: billboards and ads galore.

These turncoat Republicans are rolling out 76 billboards across swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, featuring former Trump voters who are now throwing their weight behind Harris. The message is clear: “I’m a former Trump voter but I’m voting for Harris.”

In addition to that, this Never-Trumpers also produced a 60-second ad [2] that will run on streaming platforms and YouTube. An all-out multimedia blitz is planned so that these fake Republicans can help a socialist Democrat get elected to the White House.

The video includes mostly white men with a few white women thrown in for good measure but no Black men or women that I could see. In the montage at the end of those speaking out, there are 22 white men and 6 white women.

Not sure exactly what target audience they are aiming at. Democrat voters don’t care if it’s a potted plant running against Trump – they will vote for that potted plant (or Biden or Kamala). The Trump supporters will laugh at the billboards and the ads and not care about the “fake” Trump voters they have found. Independents won’t be swayed either. But hey, let them waste their money.

From red to blue: The swing state swindle.

The campaign is set to run from July 25th through August 31st, targeting key areas like Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. It’s the first major effort to woo conservative-leaning swing voters since Joe Biden decided to call it quits. The aim? To trick conservative independents and undecided voters into supporting a candidate who couldn’t be further from their supposed values.

Good luck with that.

Longwell’s Lament: The face of the farce.

Sarah Longwell, Executive Director of Republican Voters Against Trump, had the audacity to say, “Donald Trump is the oldest nominee in American history. He is a generation older than Kamala Harris. He’s a historically unfit candidate.” Ah, the irony! Promoting Harris, who represents the antithesis of conservative ideals, while claiming to save the party from “unfitness” of office – which is still currently going on in the White House today with Biden still there with the help of a cover-up from VP Kamala.

The ultimate sellout: conservative values for sale.

This campaign is nothing short of a desperate attempt for the group to remain relevant while at the same time betraying the very core of Republican principles. It’s a sad day when those who once stood for limited government, individual liberty, and free-market principles are now shilling for a candidate who wants to expand government control at every turn. And then some.

The group’s billboards are laughable – and only showcase white men. Yes, we are supposed to believe that Dwight from Michigan (gun owner) prefers Harris to Trump. LOL. Or that Tom from Michigan (constitution lover) thinks Kamala will uphold anything in the Constitution any better than Biden has. Lars from Wisconsin (conservative), Matt from Pennsylvania (veteran) and Mike from Pennsylvania (patriot) are a joke as well.

In their videos, they propagate the lie that Trump said our military members are “suckers” and “losers” and they accuse Orange Man Bad of being “responsible” for the violence on Jan. 6th.

They add that they can’t support Trump because of all of his court cases and felonies. One of the Trump haters says he wants to “terminate” the Constitution and another says that Trump wants to “burn down our democracy and rule over the ashes.”

Who is behind this?

The video ad and billboards are paid for by the Republican Accountability PAC Inc. (RAPAC), originally known as the Republican Accountability Project, and was founded by Sarah Longwell (publisher of “The Bulwark,” a political news and opinion website founded by anti-Trump conservatives); Bill Kristol, of course (Trump- hating political analyst and commentator, also a part of the Bulwark and co-founder of “The Weekly Standard”); and Tim Miller (communications director for Jeb Bush’s losing 2016 presidential campaign, former spokesman for the RNC, and a writer for the Bulwark).

These founders are prominent “conservative” strategists and writers who have taken a firm stance against former President Donald Trump and his influence on the Republican Party. Their website says what they are all about (aside from money and power): “Trump lost in 2020 and tried to remain in power illegally. The message is simple: He must never hold office again.”

Major financial backers for this group include Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn), John Pritzker (billionaire and philanthropist – family owns Hyatt Hotels), and Seth Klarman (billionaire investor and hedge fund manager).

So, here we are, watching these so-called Republicans turn political theater into a tragicomedy. Bill Kristol and his merry band of “principled conservatives” are out there, trying to sell Kamala Harris like she’s the next great hope for America, all while clinging to the scraps of their former relevance.

It’s almost endearing, really – if it weren’t so painfully transparent. They claim to be saving the GOP from Trump’s “unfitness” while promoting a candidate who embodies the antithesis of their claimed values. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. So, to all the faux-Republicans pimping for Kamala: we see through your charade. Enjoy your moment in the spotlight, because the true conservatives won’t forget this sellout anytime soon.