When it comes to Google, the tech giant has taken it upon itself to decide what news you’re allowed to see. In the latest scandal, Republicans are up in arms because Google’s search engine is seemingly hiding the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. When users type “assassination attempt of Tr” into the search bar, they’re served a history lesson about Harry S. Truman instead in the company’s autocomplete feature. How quaint.

I’ve done my own research into this and you also don’t get anything in autocomplete if you type in “Trump assassination” or “Trump Butler” or “Trump Pennsylvania” or “Trump shooting.”

Why? Because the whole attempted assassination thing make Trump look like a sympathetic figure, because it makes the crazy (and often violent) Democrats look bad and because the assassination attempt makes the Biden FBI and Secret Service not only look totally incompetent, to many, they appear to be complicit in what happened.

Convenient oversight or calculated move?

Google’s spokesperson assures us there’s no “manual action” involved regarding the search issue. Just a bunch of algorithms “working as intended” to keep the horrors of political violence out of your autocomplete suggestions. So, it’s not that they’re censoring Trump’s assassination attempt (wink, wink) – it’s just that their system is so outdated it doesn’t catch recent events. But don’t worry, they’re “working on improvements.” Sounds promising, right? Yeah, no one believes their story – or that they’re “working” on anything that might skew the election towards their almost-coronated Kamala Harris.

Autocomplete: the scapegoat

Of course, Google’s defenses hinge on the idea that autocomplete is just a convenience tool. You can still search for the assassination attempt if you type it out fully, no biggie. After all, what’s a few extra keystrokes when you’re seeking information on an attempted murder of a former president? Yet, GOP voices are not convinced, crying foul over what they see as another blatant attempt by Big Tech to meddle in the 2024 election.

The GOP’s war cry.

Donald Trump Jr. took to X (formerly known as Twitter and previously part of the whole election interference cabal during the last presidential election) to decry this as despicable “intentional election interference.” According to him, Google is hell-bent on paving the way for Kamala Harris.

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Kansas Senator Roger Marshall has vowed an “official inquiry” into why Google’s autocomplete is more interested in Truman than Trump and social media is ablaze with accusations, with accounts like End Wokeness accusing Google of trying to rewrite history before our very eyes – just like the leftist media is trying to do with Kamala’s history right now.

The bigger picture.

This isn’t the first time Trump has clashed with Big Tech. Back in July 2021, he filed lawsuits against Google, Twitter, and Facebook for allegedly silencing conservative voices. Spoiler alert: the courts decided that social medias have a right to make editorial decisions. And it’s not like the social media platforms were FORCED to help out the Democrats. They VOLUNTEERED to do so.

So… the narrative persists that the leftist social media companies will continue (emboldened by the Supreme Court decision) to continue to interfere in elections to benefit Democrats – so be ready for it.