The questions are intensifying about Joe Biden’s ability to not only finish a second term but the first.

Joe’s failure at the debate was compounded because Donald Trump challenged Biden, and the President could not respond. He could not manage a coherent response—and the best two lines came with a Trump punchline after a rambling Biden answer: “I don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows either.”

And the Biden campaign has been in freefall ever since. It is safe to say that the Democrats have lost every single news cycle since Biden’s complete and utter failure. Everyone saw Donald Trump filet the defenseless President repeatedly.
Donald Trump, with plenty of help from Joe Biden, beat the Biden campaign to death on June 27. Not only have Biden and the Democrats lost every news cycle, as I just said, but there is now not a single survey of American voters with Biden on top.
Almost every poll has moved toward Donald Trump by about two points and, in some places, even more.

So, the debate was not a knockout punch, but it was a massive gut punch to the re-election campaign, and everyone knows it except for Joe, who refuses to let go and concede that his days in the White House are over. They should be over now, frankly.

But unless he accepts his fate and steps aside, the Democrats can do nothing—Biden has pledged delegates.

This is truly dangerous because, as you first heard here weeks ago, I believe Biden has a form of Parkinson’s Disease. Don’t take my word for it—you can hear it from the people who really know.
A Parkinson’s expert told NBC he sees patients with the same symptoms “20 times a day in clinic.”

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So we all know what is happening, and by now, so do most Americans, but Joe is hanging on. Or maybe I should say Jill is hanging on to the power for dear life.

With Joe refusing to leave gracefully, anger is starting to rise in some corners as long-time supporters and outspoken advocates are calling on Biden to step down.

Trump critic and Biden supporter Michael Moore says the ongoing push to keep Joe in the race is wrong. He says it’s elder abuse.

Another obvious sign Biden’s campaign is listing badly came from the Cook Political Report just yesterday.
Cook Political is a left-wing organization that favors the Democrats—that means what they are now saying is even more damning.

It moved six states toward Donald Trump and away from Joe Biden.
Arizona went from toss-up to leans Republican.
Georgia went from toss-up to leans Republican.
Nevada went from toss-up to leans Republican.
Minnesota went from likely Democrat to just leans Democrat.
New Hampshire went from likely Democrat to just leans Democrat.
And in the state of Nebraska’s second congressional district, it too went to leans Democrat from likely Democrat.

With the President attending NATO meetings and refusing to step aside, it leaves Democrats in a tough spot. Do they stick with Joe or jump ship? So far, seven House Democrats have bailed—but there are no Senators, at least not yet.

And it makes me ask plenty of questions.

Remember that old Hillary Clinton campaign ad asking who you want answering the phone if there is an emergency at 3 a.m.? Well, that question has come to the forefront again—and it should!
This is an emergency, and we are all at risk because there is no leadership in the White House.

Despite more than 70% of Americans saying Biden should not run for President—running he is—that means some in his circle and Congress have no choice but to say they are with Joe Biden.
So Joe is here to stay, at least for a bit longer.