In the latest example of the Biden administration’s disastrous (lack of) immigration policies, we have a heartbreaking and infuriating case out of Houston, Texas where two illegal aliens from Venezuela, released into the U.S. by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are now accused of the horrific murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

If this doesn’t make you question your vote in the upcoming elections, what will? Seriously.

Venezuelan monsters (allegedly) murder 12-year-old.

Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Pena, 26, from Venezuela were apprehended by Border Patrol agents near El Paso, Texas, and then promptly released into the interior of the country. They were given Notices to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge at a later date (usually years and years down the road) – a practice that has become all too common under Biden’s watch. This “catch and release” policy essentially translates to, “Welcome to America, here’s your ticket to roam free and vote for a Democrat sometime soon.”

Millions and millions of unvetted illegals wait in the wings.

Let’s talk numbers for a moment. Martinez-Rangel and Pena are just two of the estimated 7.4 million++ illegal aliens living in American communities after being released from DHS custody. And it’s not just a matter of them being here illegally; it’s about the crimes many of them commit while they’re here – which are becoming more and more prevalent whether it’s human trafficking, DUIs, child sexual assault or murder.

The murder of Jocelyn Nungaray is a gruesome testament to the dangers of these Democrat catch and release “policies.” Jocelyn was just a child, and now her family has to live with the unimaginable pain of losing her in such a violent manner.

What happened?

The night Jocelyn was murdered, she had snuck out of her apartment building after her mom went to sleep. Surveillance cameras later captured her at a 7/11 convenience store with Martinez-Rangel and Pena. Hours later, under a bridge, the two men allegedly strangled her to death and discarded her half- naked body in a creek after they (allegedly) tortured her for two hours.

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It’s a chilling story that should never have been possible. If DHS had done its job and kept these men in custody – and if the Democrats weren’t in charge of the country – Jocelyn would still be alive.

And yet, here we are, with a Democratic administration more concerned about appearing humane and being progressive – and banking future Democrat votes – than actually protecting American citizens.

Democrats don’t care about Americans. They only care about their votes.

This isn’t just about border security; it’s about national security and the safety of our communities – something the Democrats don’t give a rat’s butt about. Speaking of rats, during the Trump/Biden debate, Trump pointed out that we’re living in a “rat’s nest” thanks to Biden and the Dems being lax on the border and lax on criminals. Truer words were never spoken.