Buckle up, America…Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) recently spilled the beans on CNN’sState of the Union” about Vice President Kamala Harris’s grand plan to keep those borders swinging wide open.

Because if there’s one thing this administration excels at, it’s handling a border crisis… oh wait. Maybe not! Their unwillingness to secure the border is why they’ve been fervently walking back Kamala’s position as the “border czar.” She’s czar-ed nothing, solved nothing and done nothing while in office – about the border or anything else.

A roadmap to a new electorate.

And because the Democrats can never win in a fair fight (their ideas suck), they are always cheating. The big CHEAT that has been going since Biden slithered into office is letting zillions of illegal aliens cross our borders so that they can be legalized sometime in the future and vote for Democrats. In fact, the leftists are already passing out flyers telling illegal aliens to vote for Democrats – but they told them all to vote for Biden. Guess they’re going to have to print new flyers for Kamala!!

Warren on CNN to talk about the new Democratic voters coming.

Elizabeth Warren said on her CNN appearance that Kamala will work with Congress to “create a pathway to citizenship.” I’m sure she will (wink-wink).

Anchor Jake Tapper said to Warren, “President Biden charged Vice President Harris with addressing the root causes of mass migration at the border by going to those Central American countries. She’s consistently defended his handling of the border crisis. I don’t need to tell you voters overwhelmingly disapprove of how the Biden-Harris administration has handled the border by giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort. So aren’t democrats doubling down on one of your party’s biggest vulnerabilities?”

Warren told Tapper, “I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.”

Kamala’s campaign: the more, the merrier.

Harris’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, made it crystal clear in an interview with CBS News that if Kamala gets the big chair, the border policies under Biden will stay put. She said, “I think at this point, you know, the policies that are, you know, having a real impact on ensuring that we have security and order at our border are policies that will continue.”

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Translation: Expect the same chaotic enforcement and endless gaslighting while nothing actually gets fixed.

The pathway to citizenship… and the voting booth.

Let’s cut to the chase. When Warren talks about creating a “pathway to citizenship,” what she really means is a fast track to the voting booths. The logic is simple: flood the voter base with new citizens who’ll remember which party opened the doors for them. Why fix problems when you can just shift the demographics in your favor?

Leftist nonsense.

Chavez Rodriguez also pushed the narrative that the only way to truly secure the border is through Congress passing “common-sense immigration legislation.” Ah, yes, the mythical common sense that seems as elusive as a unicorn in a bowl of Jell-O.

The big picture: an open invitation to America.

In the grand scheme of things, Kamala Harris’s presidency promises more of the same when it comes to immigration: open borders, political blame games, and a rapid pathway to citizenship that conveniently leads to a fresh crop of loyal voters. The border crisis is the gift that keeps on giving to the Democratic Party and Kamala isn’t going to stop that gift-giving anytime soon.