The apprehension of international naval diplomacy was palpable recently as Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, had been docked in Havana for five days and finally have left. But we’re meant to believe it was just a routine visit. No reason to worry about these maritime giants showing up just 90 miles from Florida. Nothing suspicious here, folks.

The Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov fired a 21-gun salute, answered by Cuban cannons from an 18th-century fort. Nothing says “friendly visit” like a display of artillery.

And let’s not forget the Kazan, a nuclear-powered sub. But don’t panic, the U.S. assured us it’s not carrying nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile, U.S. Navy ships were shadowing the Russian vessels, just in case. But no worries, the Pentagon says this is all routine. Friendly visits, like how a bear might be “friendly” to a picnic basket.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry calls these visits standard practice. Sure, just like during the Cuban Missile Crisis. And with current U.S.-Russia tensions, it’s all just a coincidence, right?

Canada’s patrol ship and a U.S. submarine also headed to Cuba, for unrelated, long-planned visits. Just a delightful scheduling accident.

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If this were happening under a President Trump (it actually wouldn’t be happening – we all know that)…but if it were, the media would have been screaming about the end of the world. But under Biden, Russian warships near U.S. waters are apparently no big deal.