- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

On D-Day’s 80th Anniversary, Honoring the Fallen Amid a Fog of Modern Lies

Today is D-Day, plus 80 years. It really is hard to imagine that if some of us hang on a bit longer, we will be here to mark the 100th anniversary of the invasion of Europe led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

It was the greatest amphibious invasion in world history and an effort that began the final defeat of Nazi Germany and the Axis powers of Japan and Italy.

I wonder what they would think of what has happened to the country they loved. Not the survivors but the 9,300 buried in the American cemetery in Normandy, France. They gave their lives so that we could live free—I wonder if they would look at us now and think it was worth that kind of sacrifice.
Who could blame them if they said no?

One D-Day vet told Fox News he feels like a foreigner in his own country sometimes.

It truly is heartbreaking to see veterans or their families disgusted by what is happening in this country today.

So, I want you to keep D-Day in mind as we navigate through several more glaring lies we have been told in just the last few years. In fact, I will only go back to the fall of 2020—a time when the lies were coming fast and furious from the left and the intelligence community, and nearly all of it was amplified by the corporate news media while social media silenced and canceled just about anyone who spoke up.

The topics were many and the lies were over the top.

Let’s start with Hunter Biden—we have already seen testimony in his trial this week verifying that the laptop was real and is a key piece of evidence being used by the prosecution to seek a conviction of him for illegally buying and possessing a gun.

I have yet to see a retraction from Leslie Stahl or 60 Minutes for their blatantly inaccurate or, worse, dishonest and false reporting on Hunter’s now-verified laptop.

There were no such challenges when Joe Biden said it was all Russian disinformation—the disinformation card was peddled with no evidence except for the word of partisan activists looking for the next big job inside the Beltway.

Many people, like Rep. Dan Goldman, still cling to those fairy tales today.

But let’s continue with our journey through the darkness.

And while we are going back to 2020, how about we line up the lies we were told about COVID-19, the vaccines, and all the things we had to do to stay safe? How many lies were told and then amplified by the corporate media again?

Remember, stay six feet away and wear a mask—this will save lives and keep you from getting sick—and of course, you must be fully vaccinated.

Dr. Deborah Birx admitted on CNN that the COVID lab leak was covered up and former CDC Director Robert Redfield says information about the harmful nature of mRNA vaccines was hidden from the public.
Sometimes, when someone like Donald Trump told the truth, it was buried, and then we were told lies about what he said. Never forget the contorting of Trump’s words about the medical usefulness of Hydroxychloroquine.
In fact, there are all sorts of lies being spread today. Maybe the biggest one is that Joe Biden is in great shape mentally and physically. If that’s true, why can’t we listen to the recording of his conversation with Special Counsel Hur?

Do you believe Joe Biden is just fine? I don’t, and neither does anyone else. He can’t be president, but maybe there is another job he could do. Louisiana’s Senator Kennedy thinks The highest and best use of the President’s time would be selling catheters on late-night TV.”