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Not Enough Kyles for the World Record This Year

Kyle…The name that summons visions of… well, Kyle. The city of Kyle, Texas, attempted yet again to break the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people with the same first name. And how did they fare this time? Let’s just say, it was more of a whimper than a roar.

Only 700 Kyles this time around.

With just over 700 Kyles showing up to the Kyle Fair this year, it seems there weren’t enough Kyles to truly make history. Last year’s impressive gathering of 1,490 Kyles must have set the bar too high, leaving this year’s turnout feeling a bit, well, inadequate.

One can only imagine the disappointment of those who organized the event, dreaming of basking in the glory of Guinness World Record fame, only to be met with a modest crowd of Kyles.

What are Kyles like?

And speaking of the Kyles themselves, it seems some of them had rather colorful expectations of what their fellow Kyles would be like. “Absolute rage machines just going around destroying, vandalizing everything,” one Kyle mused.

Ah, the stereotype of the Kyle, perpetuated by generations of drywall punchers everywhere. But fear not, for amidst the disappointment and shattered stereotypes, the Kyles discovered a sense of unity. “I feel like we’re all as one, like all the Kyles are one,” remarked a particularly enlightened Kyle.

It must be spelled the “right” way!

But let’s not forget the stringent rules imposed upon these Kyles. No Kyler, Kiel, or Kylee allowed. It must be K-Y-L-E, and it must be spelled exactly right, because apparently the fate of world records hangs in the balance of proper spelling.

In the end, while the gathering may not have clinched the title of Guinness World Record holder, it did provide a valuable lesson: there are, indeed, more Kyles out there. And who knows, maybe next year they’ll break the record. Or not. But at least they’ll have each other, and really, isn’t that what being a Kyle is all about?