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Michigan Just Made it Easier and Faster to Kill Babies

You won’t believe what’s happening in Michigan. No, really, it’s the stuff of headlines – except not the kind that make you feel warm and fuzzy about democracy and justice. No, this is the kind of story that makes you cringe and wonder if the world is flipping upside down. Yes, it is.

A judicial victory for abortion fanatics.

Proponents of the state’s 2022 ballot proposal for “reproductive freedom” (i.e. killing babies), who managed to write abortion rights into the Michigan Constitution, just won another victory.

A state judge, apparently feeling generous with constitutional interpretations, decided to bar Michigan from enforcing a trio of longstanding abortion restrictions due to the proposal.

Longstanding laws struck down.

These weren’t just any old laws, mind you. We’re talking about things like a 1993 law that required a 24- hour mandatory waiting period for women seeking an abortion – and an informed consent law that Right to Life of Michigan had tirelessly championed. But, of course, who needs a cooling-off period (or factual information given to you) when you’re making a life-altering decision to kill a baby?

Judge Sima Patel, an appointee of Governor Gretchen Whitmer (shocking, I know), didn’t even need to make a final ruling. She simply issued an injunction barring state enforcement, confidently predicting that the abortion providers who sued would likely prevail. Yes, why wait for due process when you can just fast-track societal changes?

The ongoing dismantling of abortion restrictions in the state.

This injunction is just the latest flourish in the grand redecoration of Michigan’s abortion landscape. The Democratic-led Legislature, under the leadership of Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer who is always “fighting like Hell” to kill babies, had already lifted several other abortion restrictions last year, including a ban on insurance companies covering abortion in standard policies.

Amber Roseboom, President of Right to Life of Michigan, is understandably less than thrilled. Her statement on this new development in court is a dire warning: women in Michigan should be on notice because now, even non-physicians can perform abortions. What could possibly go wrong?

In a display of bureaucratic insanity, Governor Whitmer and her Democratic cohorts had already been busy dismantling health and safety standards for abortion clinics. Because if there’s one thing we don’t need, it’s common-sense regulations ensuring women’s safety in medical procedures. Nope – let’s just toss those out the window.

Proposal 3, it seems, is the gift that keeps on giving.