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Criminalizing MAGA is Now a Thing

Sebastian Gorka, host of “AMERICA First” (Salem Radio Network) and the “Gorka Reality Check” on NewsMax TV (and former Deputy Assistant to Trump) has written a great piece for Breitbart News [1] called “MAKING MAGA A CRIME” where he explains how the Democrats are making sure that MAGA chief Trump and everyone in his orbit are targeted for destruction.

The knives (and handcuffs) are out for Trump and his supporters.

Targeted for ridicule, censorship, professional destruction, financial destruction and yes, even incarceration. Being MAGA is a crime, according to the Democrats: Being MAGA, defending MAGA, supporting MAGA, donating towards MAGA, voting for MAGA…

Because after all, the Democrats can’t get votes if America is great – or if someone promises to make America great again, especially someone who has proven that they can do it. The whole angle of the Dems is that America sucks and they are the only ones to fix the problem (even though THEY are the ones who create the problems.)

Winning at all costs.

The Democratic overlords must keep their wealth and power and will do anything, ANYTHING, to make it happen. One of their favorite hobbies to keep their power is to make MAGA a crime and they aren’t even trying to hide it.

Kudos to Sebastian Gorka for highlighting this circus in his piece.

The rigged trial was about more than just Trump.

Gorka gets into discussing Trump’s rigged “hush money” trial – rigged in so many ways that it’s difficult to even name them all. He discusses how, in an effort to “get” Trump, the Democrats will destroy whatever institution they have to destroy including our justice system.

Judge Merchan, in a display of judicial gymnastics, reversed the order of final arguments, giving the prosecution the last word and ensuring the defense couldn’t respond. Fair? No. Just? No. Due process? Who cares about that when it’s Trump on trial!

George Soros got his money’s worth.

Then, in an unprecedented move, the judge instructed that a unanimous jury decision wasn’t necessary. In the end, the George Soros bought-and-paid-for Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, did his Democrat pals proud.

And don’t worry about Judge Merchan’s illicit donations to Biden’s campaign and an anti-Trump PAC – or his daughter, who raked in $93 million for the Democrats off her father’s trial. Nope, there’s no anti-Trump bias there at all.

This was less a trial and more a political hit job, thinly veiled with judicial pretenses. A dark day indeed.

And yes, Trump will appeal, but appeals are for correcting mistakes. What we saw was no mistake. It was a deliberate, minute-by-minute perversion of the system. America was fundamentally altered.

When citizens lose trust in the justice system, the societal contract is broken. Even if Trump wins the 2024 election, millions will never trust the legal system again. How do you repair that?