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Biden Administration’s Not So Secret Plan: Turning MAGA Supporters into Public Enemy Number One

The Biden administration is tirelessly working to cast Trump MAGA supporters as domestic terrorists once again, leaving no stone unturned in their mission. Recent documents obtained through litigation by America First Legal (AFL) reveal some of the disbanded DHS Homeland Intelligence Experts Group’s alarming tactics.

Infiltration tactics.

This group, active for four months before its public announcement, has been caught red-handed discussing how to infiltrate local communities under the guise of non-threatening initiatives. Their aim? To convince teachers and mothers to report their children for signs of “extremism.”

Dubious profiling.

The DHS, under the often-treasonous John Brennan (former CIA director)-James Clapper (former FBI director) committee’s guidance, appears to have adopted a rather dubious approach to national security.

The committee proposed that merely being “in the military” or “religious” could be used as pretexts for labeling individuals as potential domestic terrorists. This kind of profiling is not only ethically questionable but also blatantly targets those who support Trump.

Political dissent as a health crisis.

In another disturbing twist, the group suggested reclassifying political dissent as a “public health” crisis. Where have we heard THAT one before? Oh yeah, it was when the REAL terrorists from Black Lives Matter were roaming the streets after the death of George Floyd – setting fires, destroying businesses and killing people.

This Orwellian targeting tactic that the DHS came up with was aimed at making mothers and teachers comfortable with turning in their children and students to the federal government. Never mind the fact that the DHS is supposed to have very limited authority to engage in intelligence collection according to federal law and the Constitution.

FBI’s new category of extremists.

Further revelations have come out from Newsweek’s investigation which has exposed the FBI’s new category of extremists, specifically targeting Trump supporters. As the 2024 election approaches, the FBI is ramping up its efforts to track and counter what it views as a significant threat of violence from Trump’s MAGA followers. Yes, the focus of the Biden FBI still remains focused predominantly on Trump supporters.

Framing MAGA Republicans as threats.

The Biden administration’s narrative, echoed by Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall and Attorney General Merrick Garland, consistently frames Trump and MAGA Republicans as threats to American democracy – and is echoed by the president, his administration and their leftist friends in the media.

Despite FBI assurances that their investigations are nonpartisan, classified data obtained by Newsweek suggests otherwise. The data shows a significant portion of the FBI’s domestic terrorism investigations are centered on Trump supporters. The creation of a new subcategory, “AGAAVE-Other,” further underscores this focus. This new category is designed to track individuals motivated by anti-government or anti-authority sentiments, yet it conspicuously applies to Trump’s MAGA base.

Political implications.

The political implications of these actions are profound. Republicans argue that the Biden administration is using the FBI as a political tool to suppress GOP voters, to stop them from gathering together and stigmatize the right wing.

Conservatives claim that principled dissent on issues like abortion and public school education is being unfairly labeled as extremism. On the other hand, Democrats and some terrorism “experts” continue to gaslight everyone by saying that the threat posed by Trump supporters is genuine and that the government isn’t doing enough to counter it.

The Biden administration’s strategy.

In the midst of this controversy, the Biden administration’s strategy remains clear: amplify the threat narrative around Trump and his supporters while expanding the government’s surveillance and intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Biden continues to pedal the fact that Trump and his supporters are the most dangerous entities to ever exist saying, “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country… MAGA Republicans aim to question not only the legitimacy of past elections but elections being held now and into the future.” No doubt, we’ll hear more of this from Biden in Thursday’s debate.

Fear of Trump retaliation – and him acting like a Democrat.

Biden supporters, especially those who are unlawful and corrupt, are shaking in their boots [1] at the prospect of Trump winning in November – worried that Trump will retaliate against them. Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat has said, “My wife and I have had conversations about what life would look like if the worst happened…You can’t avoid the conversations about ‘What if?’ And I have to think about my own personal safety.”

Democratic politicians, news media and celebrities are all upset and wondering if Trump will weaponize law enforcement and the DOJ against them (you know – like Biden has been doing against Trump and his supporters all along).

Meanwhile, the Dems’ relentless framing of political opposition as a domestic terrorism threat raises serious questions about the future of civil liberties and political dissent in America – although, if the Democrats keep winning elections, we WON’T HAVE any civil liberties or political dissent allowed anymore.