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Whoopi Goldberg, With the Help of Her Hollywood Scandal “Fixer,” is No Different Than Trump

Yes, Whoopi Goldberg, known for her hatred of Trump, has been accused, along with numerous other celebrities, of leveraging money to suppress unfavorable stories about themselves from surfacing in the media over the years

The Daily Mail [1]reports in an exclusive that 68-year-old Goldberg might want to rethink her glass house before throwing more stones at Orange Man Bad.

It turns out that she and the former president share more than just a mutual dislike; they also share a penchant for paying off the media to keep their dirty laundry under wraps (allegedly of course).

Report alleges Goldberg paid $$$ to bury story about her.

While Goldberg passionately rants against Trump on her talk show, ‘The View,’ she conveniently forgets to mention her own shady dealings. But Daily Mail has uncovered audio recordings revealing Goldberg’s use of Hollywood fixer Anthony Pellicano to bury a potentially scandalous story about her health.

In a classic case of ‘pay to play,’ Goldberg had Pellicano negotiate a ‘kill fee’ with freelance reporters threatening to expose sensitive medical information about her. Echoing Trump’s infamous hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels, Goldberg’s maneuver highlights the hypocrisy rampant in Hollywood’s elite.

Whoopi’s fixer was popular among celebrities – but ultimately got taken down.

Pellicano, known as Hollywood’s ‘fixer of fixers,’ was no stranger to controversy himself. His laundry list of clients included stars like Chris Rock, Michael Jackson, and Tom Cruise, all seeking to sweep their indiscretions under the rug.

But Pellicano’s shady dealings caught up with him in 2002 when a federal investigation revealed his ties to organized crime. His empire crumbled, leaving a trail of wiretapped conversations and incriminating evidence in its wake. He has since been released from prison (March 2019) with his probation ending in 2022. He’s now described as a “negotiator” on MeToo cases.

Goldberg’s association with Pellicano paints a damning picture of her own ethics, particularly as she publicly condemns the very behavior she engages in behind closed doors. But she’s not alone in her hypocrisy – or with her payments to bury a story.

Many celebrities play the “hush money” game.

During Trump’s “hush money” trial, we have learned from National Enquirer publisher David Pecker that deals were made with him to kill stories involving Tiger Woods, Mark Wahlberg and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Apparently this is a “thing” that goes on in Hollywood, not just in Trump’s orbit. But he’s the only one on trial for it, of course.