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While Kennedy’s VP Candidate Funds His Ballot Access Campaign, He Calls Foul on Being Iced Out of Presidential Debate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is having a moment. Unfortunately for him, it’s not the moment he envisioned when he embarked on his quest to become the next President of the United States. Maybe he thought that the Democrats and Republicans would play fair and allow the electorate to hear from ALL candidates in the presidential election. HA HA HA. Joke’s on you, Kennedy.

Instead of basking in the glory of being a credible contender, RFK Jr. finds himself playing the part of the jilted outsider, lamenting that both Orange Man Bad and Dementia Joe are keeping him off the debate stage.

Rules aren’t making it easy for Kennedy to appear on the debate stage – and that’s just what Biden and Trump want.

In a recent tirade on social media, Kennedy declared that his probable exclusion from the upcoming June 27th debate between President Biden and former President Trump is nothing short of a democratic travesty when 70% of the population don’t want another Trump-Biden match-up.

Kennedy’s camp is keen to paint him as the ultimate underdog, fighting against a corrupt two-party system that has failed America. And he’s pretty much right in his fight against the “uniparty.”

Kennedy’s VP is helping to fund his ballot access campaign.

Meanwhile, he has Nicole Shanahan, his deep-pocketed VP candidate, pouring a cool $8 million into securing ballot access so that Kennedy is now able to contest in all 50 states and DC.

Shanahan heralds this financial boon as a move to “liberate presidential elections from the grip of the existing two-party duopoly, and revitalize American democracy.”

A difficult path for independent candidates.

Campaign Manager Amaryllis Kennedy says, “The expense of ballot access – in both time and treasure – is one of the establishment’s most powerful cudgels against independent political thought. Americans demand and deserve an alternative to the broken status quo. We are thrilled to put these funds to work crossing the finish line in all 50 states plus DC.”

Currently, Kennedy is officially on six state ballots: Michigan, Utah, California, Delaware, Oklahoma and Texas. He’s also got enough signatures to be on ballots in eight other states.

The “liberation” of presidential elections is a very expensive gambit which has nudged Kennedy’s polling numbers above the requisite 15% needed to share the debate stage with the other two old white guys running for president. As it stands, Kennedy hovers around 13% in national polls, tantalizingly close yet still adrift in the no-man’s-land of political irrelevance.

Meanwhile, Kennedy’s rivals Cornel West and Jill Stein linger far behind, managing a mere 3%, making RFK Jr.’s plight seem a tad less dire by comparison.

Rigged, rigged, rigged.

But let’s not forget that while Kennedy wails about being iced out, the rules for the debate are definitely rigged to help out President Biden no matter who shows up on the debate stage: no live audience, opponent mics turned off when the candidates are talking and the first debate hosted by Biden-loving CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

A rigged debate for a rigged election.