- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

SNL Continues to Target Trump Even Though Biden Provides Them Plenty of Comedic Material

Saturday Night Live once again took its predictable stance as the unofficial propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. They did so with their latest season finale serving as a testament to its undying loyalty to skewer former President Donald Trump at every turn and use their show as a campaign contribution to President Dementia.

Despite a smorgasbord of comedic material handed to them on a silver platter by President Joe Biden, SNL opted instead to rehash tired jabs at Trump, proving that they’re more interested in pushing a political agenda than delivering genuine satire. When exactly is the last time the snow was actually funny? Most people can’t remember.

Unfunny skits on the sinking ship of SNL.

In a skit that could have been titled “Trump Derangement Syndrome: The Musical,” SNL opened with a portrayal of Trump outside a Manhattan courthouse behind a barrier, as if he’s some sort of caged animal in a zoo. James Austin Johnson, playing the caricature of Trump, delivered lines dripping with forced wit (and a bad wig), attempting to lampoon Trump’s legal battles over hush money with the finesse of a drunken bull in a china shop.

The skit lacked originality and creativity, much like SNL’s tired obsession with everything Trump.

Instead of mining the rich vein of comedic gold provided by Biden’s gaffes, mishaps, and general incompetence, SNL chose to recycle its worn-out Trump jokes like a struggling comedian clinging desperately to a tired routine.

If you’d like to see how unfunny the skit was, including having “Tim Scott” appear as a sell out to his race, click here [1]. They also had Trump saying that shooting a dog (referring to Kristi Noem) is “pretty awesome.” Funny stuff, huh?

Comedic gold ignored when it has to do with Biden.

So while Biden fumbles through speeches, falls up stairs, gaslights us with ridiculousness, forgets where he is, and offers more material than SNL could ever hope for, the show continues to beat the dead horse of Trumpism, seemingly unable to move past its fixation on the former president.

In the end, SNL’s season finale served as a sad reminder of what the show has become: a shadow of its former self, more concerned with pushing an agenda than delivering genuine comedy. As long as SNL continues to prioritize politics over punchlines, viewers can expect more of the same tired shtick in the seasons to come.

Meanwhile, Greg Guttfeld, the “king” of late night recently signed [2] a multi-year contract with Fox News. His show Gufeld! Ended the first quarter of 2024 as the highest-rated show in all of late night TV against the leftist and unfunny shows with Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers and Jimmy Kimmel.

Democrats are not funny. They are tragic. Full stop.