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Michigan Grocery Store Squatter Exposes Law Enforcement’s Snooze Button on Enforcing Crimes

In the latest episode of “Homeless Hide and Seek,” a woman’s peculiar abode within a supermarket sign [1] in Midland, Michigan has become the talk of the town. It appears the woman in her mid-30’s was living behind a Family Fare sign for about a year with the amenities of a desk, house plant, computer printer, Keurig coffeemaker and food.

No arrest made.

Was she arrested for trespassing, stealing electric or anything else? Nope. She was given an empathetic “poor woman” acknowledgement, a pat on the back, a list of shelter resources (which she refused) and sent on her way. Don’t worry though, because Family Fare is, of course, making sure she gets all of her property back.

After the woman was found behind the sign, the woke and empathetic Family Fare, also donated $10K to Midland’s “Open Door” crisis shelter and soup kitchen.

Saralyn Temple, a homeless-helping honcho at Midland’s “Open Door,” says the whole thing highlights a large housing issue. No it doesn’t. It highlights a problem with law enforcement not doing their job and arresting people for crimes.

The crisis isn’t homelessness, it’s a lack of law enforcement enforcing the law.

Yes, THAT is the real takeaway here. It’s not about housing headaches or the homeless people who have always been around; it’s about law enforcement pressing the snooze button on their duty. Instead of cracking down on supermarket squatters, they’re sitting on their hands, leaving the homeless and other criminals to do what they want.

No responsibility, no repercussions for crimes.

Increased criminal activity is happening all across the country and it’s contributing to a huge crime crisis. No one has to pay for their crimes anymore. People can steal and even assault cops [2] and get off with less than a year in jail – or nothing at all.

Our justice system is asleep at the wheel thanks to Democrats and their woke pro-criminal policies. Until we wake up to the fact that our government is failing us (and figure out how to adjust course), stories like our supermarket sign dweller (and worse) will keep slapping us in the face with reality.

Do what you want, live where you want, squat where you want.

In Traverse City in a place called the “Pines,” the homeless are camped out in tents like they’re a bunch of Palestinian protesters. What is the city doing about it? Instead of cleaning them out, they are providing bathrooms and benches and other amenities – and the do-gooder enablers in the city have organized to give them food and other supplies.

Given that many homeless individuals struggle with mental illnesses and drug addiction, allowing them to live in public spaces poses safety concerns for the general public. The community should not enable these people to stay in their current circumstances.

As we reflect on the unsettling saga of the Michigan grocery store squatter, it’s impossible to ignore the glaring inadequacies of our law enforcement and justice system. This incident is not merely a quirky anecdote about housing woes; it’s a stark reminder of a systemic failure. A failure of our government to protect us from criminals.

It’s only going to get worse.

When individuals can brazenly flout the law without consequence, it’s a symptom of a much larger problem – and in the end, we have no civil society. The leniency and inaction of authorities send a message that accountability is optional, emboldening further disregard for community standards, the law and common decency.

It’s imperative to demand accountability and reform in the midst of the “Defund the Police” pro-criminal Democrat policies. Otherwise, we risk perpetuating a cycle of complacency that will continue to worsen.

It’s past time to demand a justice system that truly serves and protects all members of society, including us.