- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Joe Biden: The Chaos President

Throughout the 2020 campaign, Joseph R. Biden Jr. criticized former president Donald J. Trump as a sitting president who fosters chaos [1] instead of ensuring order.

That was a joke considering the fact that it was the Democrats, their media friends and supporters who were the ones instigating and creating that very chaos with their lies, misinformation, disinformation, protests, lawsuits, impeachments and other schemes to keep discord going 24/7.

Trump wasn’t responsible for the chaos around him – the Democrats were.

Former president Trump did nothing that led to ACTUAL chaos for the American people. He was too busy trying to implement MAGA. But Democrats don’t want MAGA. They don’t like MAGA. They want a country in decline, handouts to buy votes, governmental control and power and easy schemes to enrich themselves.

Donald J. Trump stood in the way of all of that…So it was the Democrats’ response to him that gave us chaos, turmoil, pandemonium, havoc, and mayhem.

Bait and switch operation going on during the election.

Joe’s marketing ploy to get elected was that he was just an average guy and would bring the country together – a president for everyone. Life would calm down.

That was a farce.

The minute that Biden took office, he put Obama to shame with his radical progressivism and plans to destroy the country. Although to be fair, the country is still being run by Obama and his administration – but Joe is the perfect puppet to carry on the mission.

Because of the destruction to the country that Biden has done in thousands of ways, Americans are now longing for the chaos circus of Trump’s America instead.

Americans are tired of Biden’s chaotic presidency.

Americans have had enough of Biden’s chaos at the border, chaos at our colleges and universities, chaos in our schools, chaos on the streets, chaos in our businesses, chaos in the economy… the list is long.

Biden is now the chaos president, not Trump. And Trump has been highlighting [2] one aspect of Biden’s chaos by pointing to the current president as the reason for “carnage and chaos” in Michigan after an illegal alien killed a Grand Rapids woman.

The border is just one of many problems with Biden’s presidency.

Pointing out the obvious consequences of the “invasion” at the border and the increasing crimes taking place all over the country, Trump tries to do what the media won’t – make Biden accountable for his actions.

“Chaos Joe” should be the president’s new moniker used consistently throughout the election season.

It’s not Biden’s fault, NYT Says.

But never fear because it’s the New York Times to the rescue, blaming the “world” and “conservatives” for the lack of calm and normalcy. How can we possibly blame Biden for anything when there are so many variables and so many others creating today’s chaos??

The New York Times laments that while Biden promised to usher in a calmer era as the responsible grown-up to Mr. Trump’s tempestuous Twitter bomber, “the world has not cooperated.”

Shame on the world!

The NYT adds, “While Mr. Biden has restored order to the White House and generally conducted himself with the decorum common to the pre-Trump presidency, he has nonetheless presided over a turbulent period that has unsettled many Americans. Inflation, the explosion of migration at the border and the wars in Europe and the Middle East have created a sense of instability that polls show have eroded his support.

To some extent, the impression has been fueled by conservative media outlets, which bombard viewers and readers with reports on ‘Biden’s border chaos,’ among other regular themes.”

Yes, it’s OUR fault that we’re pointing out what’s going on and that we’re not falling for the gaslighting of Biden and his leftist friends.

Shame on us!