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Greta Thunberg Takes a Break From Climate Change Activism to Hate the Jews

The climate must be okie dokie right now because climate activist Greta Thunberg is devoting her time to take on the role of a geopolitical expert, wading into the quagmire of the Hamas-Israel conflict with all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop.

Ditching the climate for antisemitism.

Thunberg, who has gained fame (and millions of Twitter/X followers) for her ignorant environmental advocacy, has decided to expand her repertoire by positioning herself as an authority on international relations, more specifically the Hamas-Israel conflict.

In a series of social media comments and public appearances, Thunberg has thrown her support behind pro-Palestine protests.

Another university protest.

One of Thunberg’s latest stunts involved joining a Palestine protest at Stockholm University, where she lambasted the institution for its alleged ties with Israel. Thunberg believes that Stockholm University is complicit in Israeli atrocities because it hasn’t issued a statement condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Her demands for universities to sever ties with Israel and fund Palestinian scholars seem more akin to a misguided college freshman’s Facebook rant than a well-thought- out strategy for peace in the region. But then again, her climate change nonsense has never been “well-thought-out” either.

Complaining about an Israeli singer being allowed to be in a contest.

Thunberg was recently detained by Swedish police for participating in a pro-Palestinian protest outside the Eurovision venue in Malmö. Sporting a keffiyeh, she declared her outrage at Eurovision’s decision to allow an Israel contestant to participate in their singing contest while the conflict rages on in Gaza.

Yes, the left has always been all about bullying, harassment and antisemitism – but now they are out in the open for all to see.

It’s unclear what Thunberg hopes to achieve by inserting herself into this contentious issue other than more followers on X and a possible book deal.

Jew hatred is a cool thing for the left now.

While Thunberg undoubtedly thinks that her intentions are noble (they aren’t), her actions come off as naive at best and downright ignorant at worst. Yes, let’s go with ignorant. And hateful.

Thunberg’s rhetoric doesn’t just veer dangerously close to antisemitism, it IS antisemitism by calling her adversaries the “genocidal, apartheid state of Israel.”