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Good riddance: Anti-Israel U.S. Army Major Resigns Because Biden Isn’t Antisemitic Enough.

A U.S. Army major assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency will be making dramatic exit soon after throwing in the towel over what he perceives as the Biden administration’s lukewarm stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Major Harrison Mann, waving his resignation like a Palestine protest banner, lamented in a letter [1] on his LinkedIn account on Monday what he views as the administration’s unwavering support for Israel, which he claims has left a trail of devastation in the form of Palestinian casualties.

Mann, whose career has been steeped in Middle Eastern affairs, hasn’t been able stomach the disconnect between his duties and the mounting civilian casualties in Gaza.

He said on LinkedIn, “The policy that has never been far from my mind for the past six months is the nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel, which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. This unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation that risks wider war.”

His resignation, which he submitted in November, comes amidst a shifting tide of public opinion in Democrat-land where Biden voters (especially the young folk) are getting fed up with Biden’s support of Israel.

This Palestinian supporter who obviously no longer cares about defending America (or the oath he took swearing allegiance to our country) also said, “My work here – however administrative or marginal it appeared – has unquestionably contributed to that support. The past months have presented us with the most horrific and heartbreaking images imaginable – sometimes playing on the news in our own spaces – and I have been unable to ignore the connection between those images and my duties here. This caused me incredible shame and guilt.”

As the conflict in Gaza rages on, the Biden administration is left juggling diplomatic grenades, desperately trying to balance marginal support for Israel with the growing chorus of his voting base (and now our military) demanding accountability for Palestinian suffering.

Meanwhile, my advice to the anti-Israel and anti-American Major Mann: You submitted your resignation in November. That was six months ago. LEAVE ALREADY!!!!