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From F-Bombs to Sh*t… The Vice President and Michigan’s Gov. Whitmer Have a Lot of Money They Need to Put in the Swear Jar

Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris has adopted a tactic of Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, with both seeming to have earmarked the same chapter of Whitmer’s book of colorful language [1].

Whitmer is always fighting like hell for abortion rights and to fix the damn roads in Michigan.

Whitmer’s favorite verbal garnishes over time have seemed to be “hell” and “damn” although when accepting [2] her Webby Award for public service and activism recently, she said on the state, “Wear pink, get sh*t done.”

Harris prefers to sprinkle her speeches with the f-bomb.

Harris gave a recent pep talk to young minorities at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Annual Legislative Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. where she talked about “breaking barriers.”

VP Harris tells folks to “kick that f*cking door down.”

She said to the audience and moderator, actor Jimmy O. Yang, “Don’t ever carry as a personal burden your capacity to do whatever you dream and aspire to do based on other people’s limited ability to see who can do what. This is part of what’s involved is that we have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open, sometimes they won’t…And then you need to kick that f*ckin’ door down. Excuse my language.”

Harris received laughter and applause for the f-bomb, which led Yang to exclaim, “We gotta make t- shirts with that saying kick the f*ckin’ door down.”

The unprofessionalism of Harris is usually on display with her idiocy and cackling but dropping the f- bomb is a new strategy for her. Shattering glass ceilings as the first female president apparently also means that it’s okay for women politicians to display their vulgar side. Of course, not everyone was thrilled with Harris’s linguistic acrobatics. Critics were quick to pounce, accusing her of being “classless.”

She also implores the young folks to “break things.”

The Harris speech also seemed to include a possible call to violence for her protesting pals when she said, “And when you break things, you get cut, and you may bleed and it is worth it every time. Every time.”

Urging her fellow agitators and disrupters to forge ahead, she rambled on, “And so too, especially the young people here, I say to you: when you walk in those rooms being the only one that looks like you, the only one with your background, you walk in those rooms chin up, shoulders back – be it a meeting room, a boardroom, a courtroom, a hearing room – you walk in those rooms knowing that we are all in that room with you, applauding you on and expecting certain things from you…including that you will not be silent in those rooms and that we expect that from you because we also expect that you will internalize and know we’re there with you and so your voice can be strong.”

It seems Harris and Whitmer have decided to turn the political stage into a verbal chaotic circus, complete with colorful language and questionable choices. While some might find their calls for anarchy and their linguistic acrobatics amusing, others are left wondering if this is really the kind of behavior that we want from our female leaders.

Shattering glass ceilings is one thing, but shattering common decency? Well, that’s a whole different ball game and they are both star players in the land of Democrat havoc.