Another day, another scandal involving a high-ranking Democrat and their dubious email habits. It seems the Democrat Party’s collective mantra is, “Why use government channels when you can have a secret stash of personal emails?”

Fauci accused of using personal email accounts and cell phone for government work.

Enter Anthony Fauci, the latest in a long line of Democrats caught with their digital hands in the cookie jar. House COVID-19 Committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup has requested access to Fauci’s personal email and cellphone records, just in time for his upcoming testimony in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

According to Wenstrup, new evidence suggests Fauci was merrily using his personal email and cellphone for government communications. It’s a SHOCKING revelation (not really) that is sure to send Fauci’s loyal defenders into a tizzy. After all, who could have imagined that the beacon of scientific integrity himself would be engaging in such cloak-and-dagger tactics?

Well, I’m sure that Rand Paul could.

If this feels like déjà vu, that’s because it is – because when you start digging, you always find Democrats who are using their secret email accounts and cell phones to get around the law.

Apparently, Dr. Fauci, the man who was supposedly really really busy saving the world from a pandemic, still found the time to craft a personal email subterfuge.

He follows other corrupt Democrats before him including Hillary Clinton.

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Anyone who remembers Hillary Clinton and her infamous private email server could have seen this coming. Ah, Hillary, the trailblazer of the email scandal genre – and the love interest of Fauci as well (ick). Yes, he LOVVVVVES her. He really loves her, according to WikiLeaks.

Hill’s tenure as Secretary of State was marked by the revelation that she had been conducting official government business through a personal email server. The uproar was tremendous, with accusations of jeopardizing national security and skirting federal records laws. But she’s a Democrat. So no big deal.

Joe Biden has done the same thing.

And let’s not forget Joe Biden, the current President who had his own email escapades and secret accounts exposed – accounts created to be able to communicate with Hunter’s business pals and others. Yes, a little digging has revealed that as VP, Biden used email aliases and private email addresses. His email aliases were “robinware456,” “JRBware” and “RobertLPeters.”

Of course, this scandal was swiftly dismissed by the mainstream media as a partisan witch hunt against poor old Joe. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that some email scandals are more equal than others. And so are some classified document inquiries (wink-wink).

Getting around FOIA.

Wenstrup’s revelation comes with an intriguing twist as well. Fauci’s Senior Advisor, Dr. David Morens, had emailed former EcoHealth President Dr. Peter Daszak, suggesting that he could send messages to Fauci privately to dodge Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Morens casually noted, “I can either send stuff to Tony on his private Gmail, or hand it to him at work. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble.”

So add subverting FOIA requests to the long list of Democrat deceit while they tell everyone they are the most transparent presidential administration in the history of America.

In a separate email, Morens also hinted at a “secret back channel.” Hm… that’s pretty much how the Democrat party operates, isn’t it? Through back channels. It’s entirely who they are.