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Biden’s South Carolina “Victory” is a Joke

Biden’s weekend South Carolina Democratic primary victory was a joke. A jest. A gag. A farce. It was meant for one thing and one thing only – to show the popularity of an unpopular candidate.

Because the Democrats won’t allow any debates or actual competition, they were able to write headlines this week about how Biden easily coasted and cruised to victory lane and how he got 96.2% of the vote in the first Democratic presidential primary in the country.


Biden only draws out about 126K voters to show up for him.

There are about 3.25 million registered voters in South Carolina and Biden got a whopping 126,321 votes over the weekend. That gave him 96.2% of the votes from his Democrat pals with 97% of the votes counted. Competitor Marianne Williamson’s got 2,726 votes and Dean Phillips 2,239 votes.

I like third-place Phillips’ attitude though. He’s not dropping out. He might be using one of the same strategies that Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is sticking with – that their opponent might either die or be incarcerated before the November election.

Things don’t look good for Haley either.

For her part, Haley is still counting on independents and Democrats to win the Republican nomination in states that allow that kind of election interference. Democrats might not want to help her out though – at least in South Carolina.

The Republican presidential primary in South Carolina is on Feb. 24th and according to the Hill [1], DNC Chair Jaime Harrison says that the Dems in South Carolina wouldn’t be “bailing” her out.

South Carolina Dems don’t like Nikki much.

I guess the Trump haters aren’t a large enough contingent in South Carolina to propel Haley to a big win – or at least they aren’t going to want to, according to Harrison who spoke at an event on Saturday. He said, “We know Nikki Haley. We know Nikki Haley very well. Nikki Haley was a governor of this state who allowed her hometown hospital to close, where her parents still live.”

Back to Biden’s “victory” in South Carolina over the weekend…his measly numbers didn’t go unnoticed by Jalen Elrod [2], the former 3rd vice chair of the South Carolina Democrat Party (SCDM).

Former Democratic official sees trouble for Biden.

He said about Saturday’s dismal turnout for Biden, “I think it shows one of three things, either the Biden team didn’t do their job, SCDP didn’t do their job, or Biden is just not popular.”

Not popular? How is THAT possible when Biden has been in charge of a border crisis, runaway inflation, a rise in crime and so much more that the country is excited about?

Numbers don’t lie.

Maybe Elrod is one of the few leftists who actually looked at the weekend turnout numbers in the southeastern state. In 2008, more than 532K Democrats turned out to vote for Obama in the the Democratic presidential primary in South Carolina. Almost as many showed up in 2020.

Elrod added that the primary was basically an embarrassment that never should have happened. He said, “In 2012 and in 1996, the South Carolina Democratic Party canceled the presidential primary because we had incumbent presidential candidates running. I don’t see and I’ve never been given a good reason why that shouldn’t have been done this year. “

Hm… maybe it’s because the Democrats have to at least APPEAR not to be subverting Democracy while they are subverting Democracy.