We have no idea who is coming into our country thanks to Biden and the Democrats. There are illegal aliens from over 100 different countries crossing our open borders, with the top countries of origin for illegal aliens being from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Honduras and China according to a 2021 estimation from the Department of Homeland Insecurity. Although currently, Venezuela is making up a large amount of the illegal aliens coming into our country, with 50,000 of them crossing our border in September.

What we DO know is that they are criminals. They are ALL criminals merely by coming here illegally. In addition to that, there is plenty of evidence every day that they are bringing drugs and human trafficking into our country. They are committing crimes – burglary, DUIs, rapes and murders.

And there are terrorists coming into our country as well. According to Border Patrol, they have encountered 151 known terrorists attempting to cross the southern border this year. And those are just the ones who have been caught. It only took 19 Al Qaeda terrorists to kill 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

The assault on our country continues because the Biden administration doesn’t care if murderers and rapists and drug dealers and sex traffickers and terrorists come into our country. They don’t care if they bring diseases into our country.

Biden and the Democrats give the illegal aliens a cell phone, a few hot meals and a bus or train ride to their next destination where a Catholic charity will help them with the rest of their needs.

With so many unvetted illegal aliens coming into our country, we are now all targets for crime and terrorism. We are visitors in our own country who are much more unsafe than when Biden came to office. He has allowed over six million illegal crossings of our souther border – plus the got-aways – plus the illegal aliens crossing the borders in California, Arizona and New Mexico.

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And according to Ann Vanderstel, “Host of Right Now w/Ann Vandersteel,” Israel is just the opening act.

She posted on X after the Hamas attacks on Israel, “Because Biden has opened America’s border to Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Taliban – and every other terrorist faction that wanted to march in – FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS. This is not me fear mongering. This is my honest assessment of where we are today.”

She went on to say, “Up to 40,000,000 foreign illegals have come here and we don’t know what their plans are. We DO know that 151 of them are on the terror watchlist. We DO know that 151 of them HATE this country. And we know they have the connections and the intentions to make bad things happen here.

She continued, “So when they start acting out, it won’t be a surprise. It will be a consequence of a Biden administration policy. And on that day, everyone will recognize that he should have been removed from office on January 22, 2021.Because that’s the first day he opened us up to the America-haters of the world.”·