It’s time for the 25th Amendment. Everybody can see the ongoing and dramatic decline of Joe Biden’s ability to do the job.
He is lost on stage, in the yard, and everywhere else. Wandering Joe is just that—wandering.
He often goes into catatonic freezes and goes on indecipherable rants.
His bursts of mumbling make Ozzy Osborne sound coherent.
Don’t forget when he appeared to fall asleep while meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.
Of course, there have been numerous public falls, from Air Force One, a stationary bike in Delaware, and the stage at the Air Force Academy.
So, all kidding aside, we are at a crossroads because weakness in the White House is largely responsible for the instability in the world. A strong America means strong Western values and a strong Western civilization. It means fewer wars and less aggressive enemies on the world stage. As Ronald Reagan aptly pointed out—we need peace through strength.
The problem with implementing the 25th Amendment is that this nation and the world would be in the hands of Kamala Harris. That is something that nobody wants—including Democrats. They know if Kamala is President, they have roughly zero chance to win in November 2024.
And now, after years of covering for the 80-year-old Joe Biden, the mainstream media cannot keep up the charade.
His mental lapses, failures, and fantasies are just too much to keep hidden. As hard as they have tried in recent months to hide the cognitive failures—they are just too frequent and any honest person can easily see the signs. Joe Biden is a sandwich short of a picnic at this point.
He’s not running the place—I’m not actually sure he ever did. But those pulling the strings realize their puppet is very tired and too unpredictable—at any moment, on any stage, he could stumble and fall for the last time.
Even 60 Minutes couldn’t cover up what they were seeing, reporting that Biden “seems tired.”
Sadly, Democrats remain in a corner because they are in political trouble with Joe Biden and in worse trouble if they do what needs to be done and trigger the 25th Amendment, which puts them even farther behind the 8-ball with Kamala Harris in charge.
So the answer seems to be just deny and lie about Joe’s condition. Janet Yellen recently described Biden as “vibrant” and “very involved.”
And why is this dangerous?
Well, for all the obvious reasons. One gaff, one fall down the steps of Air Force One that doesn’t end well, or any other unforeseen medical issue could leave America with President Harris, and as I have argued for a long time, that is a stone-cold loser for the Democrats.
I don’t know if Democrats or the country have the luxury of watching Joe Biden deteriorate. That could be dangerous to our kids and grandkids, too, because if this action in Israel becomes a hotter, wider war, it is almost certain that American soldiers will be on the ground in the Middle East. Joe had a hard time answering whether US troops would arrive in Israel, stating that “Israel has one of the finest fighting forces in the country.” Sounds about right.
Former president Donald Trump is ready to take charge in just over a year—but that is a very long way ahead. The Real Clear Politics average has him leading Biden consistently now, but we are a long way from November 5, 2024.
But on the campaign trail, he has no problem taking shots and stating a clear position, placing blame for the Middle East chaos squarely on the shoulders of “Crooked Joe Biden.”
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