- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

New Mexico Governor’s Controversial Move Raises Constitutional Concerns and Sparks Impeachment Calls

The war on the United States Constitution was raised to a threat level I have not seen before as the Governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, issued a public health emergency, claiming she can suspend Constitutional rights in the land of enchantment.

The problem is that it is simply not true, but let’s sort this out. To me, it’s clear this is another test run on how to erode and destroy the rights of American citizens under the guise of “it’s an emergency.”
We first saw plenty of public emergencies during COVID-19, banning people from working, gathering, or even traveling to second homes—all under threat of penalties from the government.

I also don’t believe this happened in a vacuum. There is no way Governor Lujan Grisham pulled this stunt without first running up the flagpole in Washington. This was thoroughly planned out ahead of time, and if you think this is being put in place to target criminals on the streets of Albuquerque—well, you would be wrong.

The Governor says she could argue that law-abiding citizens in her state who have a license to legally carry a concealed weapon should be arrested. She didn’t say could be arrested—she said should be arrested for walking down a public sidewalk.

These are the same Democrats that have implemented soft-on-crime policies all over the country—getting rid of cash bail and letting criminals walk the streets as the revolving door of justice keeps spitting them back out.

Then, she delivered the foundation for her ill-advised executive order. You see, the Governor thinks her oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States is just arbitrary. She can uphold her oath, or she can ignore it. It depends on how she feels on any given day. She thinks the Constitution is subject to her discretion. It seems that she thinks she is the Constitution, and if she declares an emergency, then it’s up to her to decide what rights the peasants in New Mexico have and don’t have.

As you can imagine, it didn’t take long for a lawsuit to be filed against the Governor.

As that litigation is filed, some County Sheriffs in New Mexico say they cannot and will not enforce these measures. Among them is the Sheriff of Bernalillo County, John Allen, who says that despite recent tragedies, he cannot, in good faith, pursue and prosecute citizens who are otherwise following the law.

Even some fringe Democrats are rejecting the Governor’s overreach. Ted Lieu of California—an avid anti-gun liberal—says there is simply no right for a state to declare an emergency and suspend any portion of the US Constitution.

So, this is just the latest black eye for a party falling in the polls because of the failing leadership of Joe Biden. This will strengthen the argument that Democrats want to take guns from those who legally purchased them and got permits.
There is a push to have the Governor impeached on social media—and Republicans in the state legislature are expected to file those complaints very quickly.