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Washington and Delaware Buzzing: Whistleblowers, UFOs, and Gender Ideology Take Center Stage

It was a very big week in Washington and Delaware. There were whistleblowers on Capitol Hill pointing at the Bidens for illegal activity, and in Delaware, there was a judge willing to blow holes in a dirty backroom plea agreement with the President’s son.

There were also a lot of other things going on. Sam Bankman Fried got a sweetheart deal as the charges against him involving illegal campaign donations of nearly $90 million—almost exclusively to Democrats—were dropped altogether. The line they put out there was something about a faulty extradition from the Bahamas—but magically, it doesn’t impact the rest of the case—how convenient is that? All the crooked Democrats get to keep their money from a guy whole stole billions from unsophisticated investors—and even some that were.

UFOs were also up for discussion on Capitol Hill. Three star witnesses testified that The United States has a lot of evidence about non-humans and their machines working in our airspace and maybe elsewhere too—and we have the bodies.

But today, I want to focus on a hearing that may not have gotten much attention—and that was the hearing Thursday focusing on the twisted leftist idea that somehow gender is just something you can spin the wheel and change.


But Democrats were focused on trying to crush those called to testify. They were hellbent on tearing them down and trying to cast parents and Republicans as cold-hearted and evil for not embracing transgender ideology, gender-affirming care, and a whole bunch of other intellectually void ideas.
How about Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee, who admitted by accident that men and women are different when he suggested locker rooms have separate sections with barriers for trans people? Almost like you need separate locker rooms.

He really is a sad and very unattractive little man. In fact, I dare say he is ugly both inside and out—that is a face only a mother could love, and that would be questionable.

Isn’t it shocking that we have to waste our time battling these intellectually and morally bankrupt ideas about gender and whether we were born in the right body?

This is garbage, and what is truly frightening is that in some states, if parents try to stop the transition of their child, their parental rights can be stripped and their children ripped from their homes by tyrants, thugs, and other totally uneducated monsters sent by the state to impose the will of government onto their families.

This is what George Orwell and Ayn Rand and God warned us about over and over again—and yet the sheep keep flocking together and running full speed over the cliff of abject stupidity.

Again, you cannot change your gender or your sex. You can call yourself whatever you want and claim you are this or that, but it does not make it so. Nobody is allowed to deviate from the narrative, no matter how deviant the ideas being foisted upon the rest of us really are.

You must toe the line and adhere to the dangerous cultist ideas of gender fluidity and other such fanciful fantasies—and if you fail to fall in line—you will be called out, heckled, discredited, canceled, and sometimes flat-out attacked.

But what happens to all those kids who are told they were born in the wrong bodies? They are told to take a handful of these, and it will all begin to get better. Take these injections, and you will be right on your way. Cut off some pieces and parts, and trust me, children, we can fix you.

That probably sounds great to an emotional 12-year-old girl, but when that girl looks in the mirror, what does she see? It’s not what was promised, and she is truly not free.

So wake up my friends as they try to experiment on all of us with garbage vaccines and junk science that turns boys into girls and girls into boys. Don’t forget the idea that if they can just be in charge that they can set the level of the oceans and the temperatures at the farm.

Again—they can’t. So stop sitting there—get involved!