According to The Daily Mail, Alexander Soros, the 37-year-old son of billionaire George Soros made more than a dozen trips to the White House the last year.

But when you’re funding a leftist government, you have to show up and make sure they are doing what you want them to do. Don’t worry though. The Biden-Harris administration (which is really the Obama administration) is totally on board with what George Soros wants done whether it’s about climate change, pro-criminal policies, or any other leftist agenda item. And with Soros as one of their main funding sources, they will welcome his family with open arms through the doors of The White House.

The Dems are especially pleased that Soros money was able to buy Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and get Trump arrested. That’s one of their greatest combined accomplishments.

The Daily Mail article about Alexander’s visits shows many photos of Alexander with his buddies Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and his “good friend” Senator Chuck Schumer. Recent White House logs shows that Alexander has visited the White House at least 14 times since December of 2021. He’s a popular, welcomed dude.

His daddy, George, is 92-years-old and it’s hard for him to get over to Biden’s place so he sends his son instead. Alexander chairs Open Society Foundation, his father’s grant-making organization that spreads evil money all over the country to destroy the Constitution and our freedoms. But George doesn’t just stop at destroying the United States – he spreads his nefarious poison globally – and leftist, tyrannical governments all over the planet are happy to take his money to use to stay wealthy and rule over people.

Alexander has spent about $5.7 million of his own money on left-learning PACS and Democrat campaigns in the United States since 2018 says The Daily Mail. He gave his biggest contribution, $2 million, to buddy Chuck Schumer’s Senate Majority PAC.

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Daddy Georgie made his billions as a hedge fund guy and he gets a glowing recommendation on Wikipedia as a “businessman” and “philanthropist.” Normally, the Democrats can’t stand rich white guys and especially ones who made money from hedge funds. But George is their bestest pal. He’s especially helpful in getting progressive pro-criminal DAs elected across the country including Bragg who he funded through the Color of Change PAC and his $1 million donation to them.

George pretends his hands are clean by donating money to organizations all over the United States and the world who fund other places who fund other places who fund other places who fund leftist causes.

It is by way of this covertness that George is able to deny things like being involved in Bragg’s election. It allows his spokesman Michael Vachon to say, “George Soros has never met, spoken with, or otherwise communicated with Alvin Bragg.”

Yeah, right. He doesn’t need to. He has others, including his son, doing his work for him.