- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Judges Stop Criminals from Taking Over Illinois – For Now

January 1st was supposed to be the target date for the leftists to get their heart’s desire in the form of eliminating cash bail for criminals in the Illinois judicial system through something called the “Pretrial Fairness Act” under the “SAFE-T Act”

Safe for whom? Certainly not for victims, potential victims or law-abiding people in general.

Oh, what a glorious day it would have been for them if only their criminal friends could be free to roam around and commit crimes on a continual basis.

A danger to public safety? That’s okay. The leftists don’t care about things like that.

But the Illinois Supreme Court put a kibosh to their plans. At least for now. They postponed the legislation’s abolition of the cash-bail system in order to hear appeals in the case.

According to the National Review [1], there is no date set yet to hear the appeals so the leftists cannot currently send out a press release to let their criminal friends know when the state is theirs.

The lawsuits of 64 counties were consolidated into one to challenge the legislation and Kankakee County Chief Judge Thomas Cunningham ruled in their favor saying that “the appropriateness of bail rests with the authority of the court and may not be determined by legislative fiat.”

The Democratic Attorney General appealed the ruling. OF COURSE SHE DID.

Because crime statistics in Illinois (and Chicago specifically) are apparently not high enough.