- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Another Bombshell Comes Flying Out Regarding President Joe Biden and His Family’s Handling of Classified Document

We have learned that during its multiple searches of Joe Biden’s home and offices for classified documents, the FBI confiscated notebooks containing sensitive information that Biden kept from at least during his time as Vice President and maybe earlier. 

Biden keeps saying he wasn’t aware of the documents—many of which were Top Secret and found in his Delaware garage sitting near his prized green Corvette. 

These notebooks pose a new set of problems for the feeble old man. Trust me—’I had no idea’ will not fly for this one. It appears that Biden’s notebooks had references to classified information—that blows out of the water any defense of stupidity.

We all understand that President Biden is not the sharpest axe in the barn—and we get that he is prone to telling completely false stories no matter how often they are openly debunked.  

But trying to plead ignorance when the FBI has handwritten notes becomes almost impossible. I don’t think the “well, I don’t remember writing in those notebooks, and I don’t remember taking the documents you found that I referred to in the notebooks defense” will fly. I am just not seeing that as a winning strategy—do you?

No, of course, you don’t.

So, the new revelation that he had handwritten notes referring to classified and possibly Top Secret information and that he would not have been cleared to take documents home for any reason—creates a real political shhhhh—storm. 

And then—you have to look at other affiliations Biden had. One in particular, the University of Delaware, may have more documents than anyone else—and they are refusing to cooperate—at least so far. 

This attempt at killing any investigations is not going well for the White House. Anger is building among Democrats and Republicans alike, who argue that this is a matter of National Security. 

The President continued with the charade on Monday—and went so far as to play dumb with a group of reporters on the South Lawn, claiming he did not even know a special counsel had been appointed. 


But no matter what games the President and his people want to play, those on both sides of the aisle are not buying it. They know something is here and want to know what it is.