- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

By Law, Doctors in California Can’t Go Against Democrat Covid Misinformation

Yes, that’s right. Radical tyrannical insane Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that will subject doctors in California to discipline and possible suspension of their licenses for spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic to patients.

Since Democrats have pretty much been the main ones to repeatedly spread lies about the pandemic since it started, that means, good luck to you if you want to stay alive in California. I would seriously be looking for another state to move to if you haven’t been investigating that already.

Let’s see…what kind of misinformation have the Democrats spread over the past few years…

In the beginning of the pandemic, Fauci said masks weren’t needed. Then they were definitely needed. Then you needed to wear two of them.

They said Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies wouldn’t save anyone. But they did.

They said the vaccines would stop infection. They didn’t. They still don’t.
They said vaccines would stop the virus from spreading. They didn’t. They still don’t.

EVERYTHING coming out of the mouths of government (Democrats) has been one lie after another and they continue to lie.


Bcause they don’t see Covid as a scientific or medical problem that needs to be solved. No, it’s a gift from God to make money, win elections and control all of us with their perpetual “emergency” orders i.e. excuse to do what they want when in a normal situation, they couldn’t.

And so, what does a drunk-with-power Democrat party and governor do? They come up with legislation AB2098 in California which declares that a surgeon or physician commits professional misconduct if they disseminate “misinformation or disinformation” about the nature and risks of COVID-19, it’s prevention and treatment and the development, safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

Who exactly decides what misinformation and disinformation is? Well, the Democrats of course. Once again, GOOD LUCK TO YOU, Californians.

Your doctor either WON’T be discussing COVID-19 with you or if he or she DOES talk to you about it, you won’t be getting accurate information.

Nice to know ya. Cheerio. Auf Wiedersehen. Farewell. Adios and toodaloo. And have fun picking out that pre-paid-for coffin and burial plot.