Because democrats have scared the pants off vulnerable seniors that they’re going to get COVID-19 or Monkeypox and die…
Because the cost of Bidenflation gas is prohibitive to be able to drive anywhere…
Because of these two things, seniors have effectively been forced to stay in their homes for the past 2+ years under democrat policies and scare tactics.
Fear of death and poverty is a great motivator and the democrats have got their threats and schemes working great on our elderly population.
Seniors are cutting unnecessary trips anywhere in fear of the virus and because they just can’t afford the gas to go anywhere or do anything.
Elderly seniors on a fixed income are relegated to stay in their homes and entertain themselves while they sit in their living room with three masks, four vaccines, a few cans of Spam and rolled-up change to pay for needed trips to the doctor and food pantries.
Gone is the freedom of going to the hobby store or going to yard sales or out to visit their grandchildren. What about enjoying their golden years? That’s out the window.
Seniors may have gotten a bump in benefits but they can see themselves owing taxes on that money if they make more than $25,000 a year. The CBO says that in 2023, 40% of everyone’s benefits will be taxable [1]. How lovely.
And like the rest of us, seniors are paying more for food, gas and EVERYTHING else. Only they can’t work overtime or get a first or second job to pay for it. So they are stuck at home.
Seniors are having to choose where their pennies go [2]. Food, medicine, rent…And often, taking care of their pets comes first and then they make decisions about their spending from there. I can relate.
Because of Bidenflation, more people than ever are going to food banks and pantries, some of whom have seen more than double the number of people coming through their doors. Seniors who have never gone to a food pantry before are having to show up now to get what they need.
Hopefully those pantries aren’t too far away to drive to at $5+ a gallon.