We’re not getting out of this pandemic anytime soon.
The government has no idea what they’re doing, they manipulate the numbers of cases and deaths, they lie to us constantly, they’re rationing therapeutics and they’ve allowed more than a million illegal aliens [1] into the country this year during a pandemic.
It’s obvious that the democrats don’t want COVID-19 going anywhere. And who can blame them?
It helped them get rid of Trump by cheating in an election and has allowed them to be able to rule over us tyrannically in every facet of government – federal, state, county, city, townships, health departments, school boards, OSHA, licensing boards and more.
Everyone and their brother (and sister) in government has been trying to control what we do and take away our freedoms – presidents, governors, mayors, attorney generals, health directors, and local commissioners.
The democrats have also been able to control us with school boards, leftist businesses, social media and the fake news on their side.
COVID-19 was a gift to the democrats and it’s a gift that keeps on giving. They have no intention to let it go.
At this point, it really doesn’t matter how many vaccines and therapeutics we come up with because we can’t end a pandemic with open borders and a democrat president who ships these people all over the country.
So we’re going to have to learn to live with the pandemic for a long long time – and different variants of the virus.
Because of this, I have a kind of apocalyptic prediction that this will end up being an extinction level event. I’m not sure what the timeline is. Five years, ten years, maybe more if we slow it down a bit here and there.
But I’m starting to believe that the virus will stop spreading when a large percentage of the people on the planet stop breathing. There are too many leftists around the world keeping this thing going.
But the democrats will be okay with that because it means a lot less carbon dioxide being emitted into the air from that breathing. A lot less cows will needed for food, a lot less cars will be driving around and a lot less airplanes will be flying in the skies.
So it’s pretty much a winning situation if the virus goes on for a while and destroys a lot of people in its path.
The only way the democrats DON’T win is if the virus is beaten. And the democrats NEVER want to lose.
Think about that.