Biden’s “America Last” strategy continues and he’s got plenty of help.

Biden and his Democrat friends are working hard to find foster care parents to take in unaccompanied minors at the expense of American children who need them. 

The third world countries are not only being welcomed into America by the Biden administration, they are being given resources that are supposed to be reserved for Americans.

State governments and nonprofit organizations are working with the federal government to place these illegal alien children as fast as possible to hide the crisis from the American people. 

As the Democrats continue lie to the American people that there isn’t a crisis, the Biden Administration scrambles for their lives in a desperate attempt to shuffle unaccompanied minors all over the country so they are not easily counted by the media. 

A thousand here, a thousand there… Biden is playing a shell game so that you can’t find them all.

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The Biden administration waived FBI checks on caregivers and are handing accompanied minors off to illegal aliens so they can disperse the kids as soon as possible. 

They’re opening convention centers and multiple military bases to take care of them.

They’re begging for volunteers to process them.

And now they want American foster care providers to take them in. Using foster care providers is just another avenue for them in order to try to put a lid on their non-crisis.

And what happens if the kids can’t be reunited with a family member? Well, they stay here of course, in American foster homes, continuing to sleep in a bed that was meant for an American child.

In California, foster parents are being asked to take in large numbers of illegal alien children. 

They must not have gotten the PR memo from the Biden administration though because they are calling the situation an emergency.

They’re sending out a voice mail that says, “This is an emergency message, please respond to this urgent message from the Community Care Licensing Division. CCLD would like to know how many available beds you have to serve additional youth.”

Foster parents, Travis and Sharla Kall, told the Daily Mail that they run a nonprofit to fight human trafficking and said that the state agency was proposing high numbers of kids they would let people foster, even more than 26. Sharla said the usual maximum number to foster at one time is six.

She continued to say there are about 30,000 kids in the L.A. County foster care system and to ask them to “take on children from another country when we can barely take care of our own foster crisis doesn’t seem beneficial to either side…”

Sharla is sure to be tracked down and “canceled” soon because she had the nerve to compare the immigration crisis to human trafficking. The Democrats aren’t going to like to hear that. 

She said, “It’s not the burden of taking kids in because we have the heart for it, but these are kids what were taken from the border for a money scheme and now they’re going to use us resource parents to take care of them.”

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, there were 424,000 kids in foster care in America in September of 2019.

But these children, although Americans, will have to get in line all over again to find a foster care home in their own country. The future Democrat voters, also referred to as unaccompanied minors, will be taking their beds away from them because of couples like Jay and Leslie in Philadelphia who prefer to foster illegal alien children.

Bethany Christian Services actually runs a transitional foster care programs specifically for illegal alien children. Others placing illegals into homes are Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. And they’re all working hard to find even more foster families – for illegal aliens.