On Tuesday night, have some drinks and snacks ready about 8pm. It’s going to get interesting.
Don’t get too worried if the networks gloat if Biden is ahead. Nothing, I mean nothing, will be decided Tuesday night no matter what the numbers. There are just too many mail-in ballots left to be counted and too much Democrat skullduggery left to be uncovered.
So consider Tuesday night like a conference championship. Super Bowl will be played in the courts. Disregard Biden when he claims victory. He will do that even if he’s clobbered in a landslide. He will hope his media and cultural pals will put enough pressure on Trump so the president concedes. Not gonna happen. The president will stand firm until the last votes are counted and the last court decision is made. Then, Trump will win.
By the way, watch Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. A lot will be decided there. But not the final result. Again, the courts will do that.
Thus, what to do to pass the time while waiting for non-dispositive results to come in? Glad you asked. Here’s the good cheer part
Welcome to the Kamioner Election Night Party Game. I’ll be reporting starting Tuesday night at 7pm from O’Brien’s in Annapolis, Maryland. Coverage will be on LifeZette. But you guys can play the game from home.
The Rules:
1) You look at nine state presidential races: FL, GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ, OH, IA, and NC. Senate races in IA and MN.
2) You’ll be asked your picks for them and Senate control at the door.
3) You lose, as reported by Fox News, you drink a generous shot of the worst rotgut booze you can find for every one of the above you get wrong. You win, hosts don’t shave off your eyebrows after you pass out and they don’t tell your significant other about that thing they swore to you they would never tell them. Also, if you win you get to punch the last loser in the arm or give them a Wet Willie. Their pick. Two wins in a row, make someone take a shot. Three wins in a row, a 30 minute waiver on all penalty booze.
4) Bonus choices in Senate races in AZ and MI . If you pick GOP underdog and they win, you can pass on a shot. If they lose, chug a beer with the shot.
5) Ralphing or sick-making of any sort will get you hosed down outside in the cold. You may only reenter by barking like a seal on your hands and knees. Such performances will be immediately shared to Facebook.
6) Tobacco consumption and loud music are encouraged.
7) Snacks must be plentiful. Lots of beer chasers on hand is a good idea. Have the Uber number ready. Enjoy the night!
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