The nut jobs who want to defund (and dismantle) the police seem to be moving ahead with their insanity in some progressive parts of the country.
And what exactly is a peaceable 9-1-1 call?
If you make a 9-1-1 call, it means there is an emergency. That’s why, when you call, you get police, fire and often an ambulance with EMTs depending on the situation. Sometimes you get all three because the dispatcher needs to cover all bases.
If 9-1-1 calls weren’t actual emergencies, people could sleep off their alcohol and drug use, talk things out with the person who is threatening them or wait a day or two to make an appointment with their psychiatrist to settle them down.
Even the leftists on Wikipedia say that 9-1-1 is intended for use in “emergency circumstances only.”
According to a story reported by KTTV-TV, regardless of any common sense or understanding of why people call 9-1-1, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted last week to create “unarmed response” teams [1] that will be answering 9-1-1 calls that are “non violent.”
Knowing that these crazy democrats define rioting as “mostly peaceful” I’m sure that this new non-policing system will work out just fine.
I’m sure the experts in LA will be able to figure out when to send the real police and when not to as they use the 9-1-1 system for something that it was NOT designed for.
The United States started thinking about having a nationwide emergency telephone number in 1957 after it was recommended by the National Association of Fire Chiefs that they needed a single number for reporting fires [2].
Ten years later, the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice purposed that a single number be established nationwide for reporting emergency situations.
The FCC met with AT&T in November of 1967 in order to choose the number to be used and 9-1-1- was chosen in 1968 because it was short, easy to remember and could be dialed quickly (remember, we had rotary phones back then).
Congress backed the AT&T proposal and passed legislation to create the nationwide 9-1-1 emergency number.
It’s an emergency number.
It means someone’s life is being threatened – by another person, a fire, a flood, a heart attack, a bear…lots of different things.
According to Meriam-Webster, an emergency is an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action. An urgent need for assistance or relief.
We don’t need social workers. That is NOT why we call 9-1-1.
I’m wondering what kind of idiot would sign up for this job? Maybe an Antifa or BLM terrorist would want to join the cause? Someone who needs to keep the cash rolling in just in case George Soros gets bored with them and they lose their current gig.
This new Los Angeles legislation allows the city to work with non-profit partners to start this pilot program and the 9-1-1 operators will be able to dispatch contract service providers and their “specialists” to the scene.
I’m sure these 9-1-1 operators won’t be fired when the non-police response ends in the death of a caller or a specialist, right?
But I’ll tell you what I’m pretty sure will happen the first time a victim or a specialist is killed because the 9-1-1 operator didn’t send out a real police officer to the emergency…The city will be sued for millions and millions of dollars.
And what if I don’t want an unarmed response team because I’m a small woman who doesn’t have my own gun to defend myself against my crazy drunk neighbor? Do I get a choice in the matter if I want an actual police officer to show up?
As stated above, the vote to send unarmed response teams into emergency situations was unanimous.
A unanimous group of 14 half-wits who gave this idea a thumbs up.
Council President Nury Martinez said in a press release, “Today marks a seminal moment in our City’s history in our efforts to reimagine public safety. Through this unarmed response pilot for non-violent calls, we will help Angelenos get the mental health and other support services they need from trained professionals. We will also free up police officers to do the work they are trained to do. Ultimately, this will also allow us to provide our Black and Brown communities with the resources they deserve.”
No word on how much these teams will cost the city, who will be in charge or what kind of training they’ll receive.
Unarmed response teams (sitting ducks) will answer calls dealing with substance abuse, neighbor disputes, suicide threats, mental health, behavior distress, conflict resolution, and welfare checks.
Wow. Sounds like a great idea.
Untrained people will be arriving on the scenes of murders when doing welfare checks. What will they be doing there exactly? Calling the police, perhaps?
The bottom line is that this pilot program will be sending loosely trained private citizens into emergency situations to deal with unstable people who will often be armed and dangerous.
What could possibly go wrong?