Better buckle up folks, cause it looks like we’re heading towards another nauseating Russia collusion hullabaloo.

Kamala Harris during an interview with CNN seemed to already hint at the fact that she and Biden will lose in November.

And what would be the cause of this loss?

Russia of course…

From Washington Examiner

“We have what happened in 2016, which is foreign interference,” Harris said during a CNN interview that aired Sunday. “We have a president who is trying to convince the American people not to believe in the integrity of our election system and compromise their belief that their vote might actually count. These things are all at play.”

Earlier this year, the U.S. intelligence community warned China, Russia, and Iran are seeking to influence the 2020 election. That assessment, released in August by Bill Evanina, who leads the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said Russia is “using a range of measures to primarily denigrate” Biden. The same report said China wants President Trump to lose reelection and that the Iran regime is seeking to undermine his presidency.

Although the Trump administration has raised a lot of concerns about China, Harris said she believes Russia will be at the forefront of any meddling efforts in 2020.

“I am clear that Russia interfered in the election of the president of the United States in 2016,” Harris said. “I serve on the Senate Intelligence Committee. We have published detailed reports about exactly what we believe happened. And I do believe that there will be foreign interference in the 2020 election and that Russia will be at the front of the line.”

Asked if it could cost her and Biden the White House, Harris said, “Theoretically, of course.”

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MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Tucker Carlson: “There Are Timeshare Sellers Who Are More Trustworthy Than Kamala Harris”

Watch the video:

This is just such a crock.

How can these people still be pushing a completely debunked theory?

The American people are beyond fed-up with this garbage and any mention of Russian collusion will just bring Trump closer and closer to a big win in November.

This piece was written by Sophie O’Hara on September 6, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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