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[VIDEO] Wealthy White Seattle Seahawks Head Coach is Fed Up With Rich, Dumb, Racist White People

The level of pandering and virtue signaling coming out of pro-sports lately is just stomach-turning, and they don’t even realize that they’re reading the room completely wrong.

I will tell you, the elites in this country are such clueless, out of touch dummies.

Which is ironic, because the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks thinks it’s white folks who are stupid. So stupid, as a matter of fact, that he’s completely fed up.

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Pete Carroll slammed our founding fathers, basically calling them monsters who set up a system of “racism” that we still live with today.

Apparently, the reason white people are so “racist,” according to Mr. Carroll, is that they don’t know enough about history – oh, and they also need to be “coached.”

From Bizpacreview  [2]

Carroll lectured white Americans, slammed the “rich white guys ” who founded the nation and claimed that we have been “taught a false history” as he attempted to address the current hot topic in the sports world. Teams and players have spoken out and boycotted in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin last week.

“I want to talk to you guys about some stuff that’s on my heart,” Carroll, who has also coached the New York Jets, San Francisco 49ers and New England Patriots, said.

“Never before this year has it been so deep and so rich in the exchanges with our players in how they’ve taken this opportunity to teach us about what the life of a black man is in America, black men and women,” he added after recounting how he has learned much from his career as a coach and from his players.

“This is about racism in America that white people don’t know. They don’t know enough and they need to be coached up and they need to be educated about what the heck is going on in the world,” Carroll said.

“Black people can’t scream anymore, they can’t march any more, they can’t bear their souls anymore to what they’ve lived with for hundreds of years because white guys came over from Europe and started a new country with a great idea and great ideals and wrote down great writings and laws and all of that about democracy and freedom and equality for all,” he continued.

Carroll continued to bash the Founders because they “put together a system of slavery” which America purportedly “never left.”

“It’s never gone away. And the really amazing thing that I’ve learned is black people know the truth. They know exactly what’s going on. It’s white people that don’t know,” he claimed.

“We’ve been unwilling to accept the real history. We’ve been taught a false history of what happened in this country, we’ve been basing things on false premises, and it has not been about equality for all, it has not been about freedom for all, it has not been opportunity for all, and it needs to be,” Carroll lectured.

“This is a humanity issue we’re dealing with. This is a white people’s issue to get over and learn what’s going on and to figure it out and start loving everybody that is part of our country, and that want to come to our country, wherever they want to come from,” he said.

Carroll went on to say that players are demanding to be heard and are hurting from all the racial injustice they claim.

You can watch the video below:

I have such a problem with this. Not because I am ‘white’ and offended. No. I have an issue with this because if Democrats actually did their job and provided school choice, and offered grants to trade schools, and more college scholarships, and offered family training and counseling, and fixed these dilapidated cities, and provided good-paying jobs for young black folks, things would be so much better.

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Instead, we waste time listening to rich old white fools blather on about slavery, simply to make themselves feel better so when they go home to their million-dollar houses, they can sip a glass of thousand-dollar-wine with their snooty friends and like they’ve accomplished something because they said some stupid words.

They’ve accomplished NOTHING. It’s pandering.

It’s also the most narcissistic and selfish behavior and liberals keep doing it, and nothing is actually getting done to help black communities thrive.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on August 31, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [4] and is used by permission.

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