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[VIDEO] Grab Your Popcorn, AOC Just Dissed Joe and Nominated Bernie For President During the DNC Convention

AOC was told she would only get 60 seconds to speak.

Apparently, AOC didn’t appreciate getting the bums-rush from the Democrat establishment, because she used her 60 seconds, to turn everything on it’s head. She didn’t endorse Joe Biden, instead, she used her lousy one minute to nominate Bernie Sanders for President of the United States.


You know what this means, right?

MORE NEWS: Report: GOP Candidate Kim Klacik’s New Viral Ad Blew Out Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech in Online Popularity 

The radical wing of the Democrat party just decided to hand Trump reelection on a silver platter so they can burn down the establishment and start over.

Grab your popcorn, folks, this just got REALLY REALLY interesting,

You can watch the video below:

Buckle up, this boring Dem convention just got really GOOD!

This story is developing, we’ll keep you updated.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on August 18, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [4] and is used by permission.