Mark Twain once said that there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics. He was right for his time, but today we’re inundated with a fourth kind of lie, the kind of lie told about Donald Trump and you. That’s right, if you love America, you are a target and a big one! That is why today’s guest wrote his latest book “The 21 Biggest Lies about Donald Trump and you” and we are pleased to dedicate today’s show to promoting it. American patriot retired US Army Colonel and attorney extraordinaire, Kurt Schlichter came back to the Rob Maness Show to discuss his latest book!

“Our public square is filled with volley after volley of falsehoods that the left and its pseudo-conservatives fire at our president and his supporters. There is no longer any argument or reasoned discussion, just lies. Editorial pages, the airwaves, and social media are all filled with hyperbolic accusations, making a scorched earth Yucca Flat out of rational discourse. Crank your masochism meter to “High” and turn on MSNBC. Listen to the self-congratulatory panels preen, populated with third-tier guests whose diverse views range from “Donald Trump is Hitler II” to “Donald Trump is the Antichrist without the upside.” It’s all baloney, all the time. And it’s getting worse. Lies have always been a part of politics, but today defamation has replaced actual debate. It’s almost quaint to see someone offer a coherent, thoughtful argument instead of spewing a spray of cheesy slander. When was the last time you heard someone provide a detailed, pointed critique of Donald Trump’s policies? Not of his character or his alleged personal failings, but his policies? Does all this sound familiar to you? Of course, it does because all we must do is listen for 60 seconds on any tv, radio, or social media broadcast channel to hear them incessantly. You hear them every day and they’re not just about Donald Trump because he’s a politician, they’re also talking about you, simply because you love America.”

Click here to buy the book:

That’s right, if you love America, you are a target and a big one!

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This piece was written by Col. Rob Maness on August 17, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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