The reparations debate is heating up again, as Democrats are desperate to pander to black voters after ignoring them for four long years.
The debate is getting wilder and wilder, too.
Now, a Duke University economist and his wife have both written a paper that calls for up to $12 trillion in reparations.
William Darity Jr. and wife Kristen Muller proposed that $800,000 per black household is the magic number needed to close the wealth gap between blacks and whites.
Darity, who has made slavery reparations the cornerstone of his career says that amount of money is the only way to finally give closure to the slavery issue.
A noted economist has laid out a roadmap for how the U.S. could make reparations to the descendants of slaves — and estimates it would cost between 10 and 12 trillion dollars to right the historic injustice.
Duke University professor William Darity Jr. and his wife, the writer A. Kirsten Mullen, co-authored a report making the case for systemic reparations to erase the existing black-white wealth gap.
“The U.S. government — the culpable party — must pay the debt,” argues the report, “Resurrecting the Promise of 40 Acres: The Imperative of Reparations for Black Americans,” which was published by liberal think tank The Roosevelt Institute in June.
The authors calculated about $800,000 for each eligible household, using the average wealth disparity between black and white households, rather than the median figures.
The average white household net worth is $929,800, while average black household net worth is $138,000.
“Eliminating the black-white (pre-tax) wealth differential should be a core objective of the redress component of a plan for reparations,” they wrote.
“We estimate that this will require an allocation between $10 and $12 trillion to eligible black Americans. That allocation should serve as the baseline for black reparations in the twenty-first century.”
The couple claims that “eligibility” should be restricted to living descendants of people who were enslaved in the U.S. before the Civil War and who have identified as black or African American on government documents for at least 12 years prior to the implementation of the reparations program.
The Democrat Party has been the party of the American black voter for eons now.
Democrats have failed the black community…I think the Democrat Party should pay reparations to the inner-city blacks who they have enslaved for decades and then they should provide them with school choice, trade schools, family counseling, jobs, and infrastructure.
This piece was written by Missy Crane on August 14, 2020. It originally appeared in [4] and is used by permission.