The prevailing narrative of “peaceful protests” continues in the mainstream media (aka #FakeNewsMedia) but clearly there is no doubt Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a violent domestic terrorist organization like ANTIFA. Both are responsible for trying to tear down American society in order to achieve their Marxist goals such as defunding the police.
This is why I say the mass rioting and looting overnight in Chicago is linked to BLM. BLM Chicago endorsed the riots based on the lie that CPD killed a black child. That narrative was used to mobilize mobs on the streets. [1]
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) August 10, 2020 [2]
When will the American people wake up or will it take more death, destruction, and attacks on peaceful Americans?
BLM ‘peaceful protesters’ in Wisconsin attempt to murder Black police officer and his girlfriend [3]
— Col. Rob Maness ret. 🇺🇸 (@RobManess) August 10, 2020 [4]
It’s good to see some of the democrat politicians in major cities like Portland have finally gotten past the prevailing propaganda narratives of the corporate media. Even Ted Wheeler has come around to recognize ANTIFA as the terrorists they are, having lied to America for weeks, like the media, that Federal Law Enforcement Officers were the source of the violence. Now is the time to see the truth about the BLM organization and its objectives to end the violence.
This piece was written by Col. Rob Maness on August 10, 2020. It originally appeared in [5] and is used by permission.
Antifa terrorists brought their puny selves to a Fort Collins Colorado Veterans suburb [6]
President Trump’s Executive Orders Continuing some Pandemic Relief are Correct [7]